Saturday, January 25, 2025

Creating a Hex Crawl Series

I've seen several people doing the 30 days/30 dungeons or variations. I love the idea, but I know my ability to focus on one series for that long is absent. I've been watching this guy Flint Fireforge doing his series keeping it simple. He draws a an aside his maps make me hurt inside. They're all wonky and skewed and jacked. Now I think he does it because he knows. He is a spiteful dwarf. But he's trucking along doing one everyday. Map. 2d6 rooms. He rolls from various tables to get the idea for the dungeon. Check out Paul's (aka Flint) videos. He's oozes enthusiasm. Maybe I should stat Paul as an ooze. I heard he was kinda sticky.

And then there is this knucklehead. Matt Jackson. Need I say more? He looks to be doing the Dungeon 25. I believe that's where you map a dungeon room per day. Matt has his unique style of maps and adds a write up for each of the rooms. Below is a sample of his entries. Now don't tell Matt this, but he has a great way expressing his idea through his maps and layout. Always approachable and fun. Click the picture for the link. 

I'm sure there are others, but these are the two I am following right now. 

And then there is me. After watching Paul's videos and knowing my attention span limitations I decided to take the idea and make it more suited for me. I am generating a hex flower (a term I believe ChicagoWiz coined) hex crawl. I am generating geographical locations, settlements and some of the its and bobs. So this series of videos shows how I generate content for a hex crawl and then constructing adventures, sometimes dungeons, within the context of the surroundings. If creating hew crawls interests you please click the picture and the internet will whisk you away to my playlist. I'll add one or two a week. 

If you are creating 30 days/30 Dungeons or the Dungeon 25 please let me know. 

Friday, January 17, 2025

Waiting to Exist

What is this little underground complex? A basement. A dungeon of some sorts? Maybe a resupply station? Or a prison? Maybe. Maybe all of them. It's a place that has travelled through time becoming what it needed to be for those who decided to give it purpose. It has echoes of those who walked the corridors years before. The notches in the wall are where the sconces used to be until the iron rusted and flaked away bit by bit until only the holes in the stone remain. Over in the corner, or what used to be a corner, is not an opening and the ground has fallen within. A clear violation of the contract of earth. Walls are to keep the outside out and protect the insides from the outsides. 

Despite all of what it was. What is it now? It lingers between existing and not existing. No one remembers this place. No one knowns of this place. It is a forgotten space. 

The contract of earth was violated again. The ground gave way during the heavy rains this season. The ground slid away revealing a section of the walls. Now it waits. It waits for someone, something to notice. It waits to exist. 

As chance would have it, this underground complex was found by a series of actions and accidents. A halfling by the name of Hobbs was bored as he stood in line waiting to enter the northern gates of Scorn. As he whistled, annoying those around him, he saw a shiny tucked into the belt of an older man in front of him. He estimated he was a merchant, by the smell of him, some sort of spice merchant. Good boots. Must do well. His mule's bags were empty. Must have sold his wares. Probably a heavy purse somewhere in the mule packs, but it was the distinct glint of gold that transfixed the halfling. He looked around. A few people, but they looked tired. Fieldhands covered in dirt, exhausted from their day toiling under an unforgiving sun. 

Hobbs heard someone approach the spice merchant. He kept his eyes averted to avoid showing interest in him. A quick, sharp exchange with a woman who asked if she could get a drink of water for herself and her child. He told the woman to get away from him. Hobbs smiled. The justification to steal from this man was granted. 

With a quick, quiet step, Hobbs slid the object from the man's belt as he fussed with a saddlebag on his mule. Hobbs heard the jingle of coins. Hobbs froze as he heard the coins. Sound like a lot. Muffled. Large sack crowded with coin. 

The hesitation, distraction of coin, was enough to allow the merchant to see Hobbs standing uncomfortably close to him. "Get away from me you foul half of a man." He sinched the mule pack tightly closed. Then absently checked himself and found the object missing. "Thief!" He shouted. 

Reflex took over. Hobbs vanished in front of the man and ran toward the forest edge. Behind him he heard the merchant shouting for the guards. The others in line cheered as Hobbs fled. A smile crawled over Hobbs's mouth as he entered the forest. His preternatural ability to vanish would quickly give way to the natural order of things and reveal Hobbs. He tucked behind a tree and felt the invisibility slide away. There were no voices nearby. In the distance the merchant continued to shout. Demanded the others in line to help him with finding his thief. 

Satisfied with himself, Hobbs trekked deeper into the forest turning south. He'd just take an hour to walk and enter through the southern gate. His friend Big John would be working, harass him, but it was worth it. It was dark in forest but Hobbs wanted to see what he acquired.

The ground gave way and he slid a few feet before hitting the stone wall. The stone caught him under the ribs knocking the breath from his body. The pain flared and he dropped the object. Hobbs attempted to curse, but all he managed was a desperate gasp for air.

After waiting a few minutes his breath returned. He scrambled to find what he dropped, but it was too dark and there was so much mud. With the dark came the cold. He wanted to light a torch to find his treasure, but feared it would give away his location. After a short search Hobbs couldn't feel his fingers. 

Hobbs noted the location as best he could before tromping toward the southern gate. Any trace of triumph vanished. Mood soured. Aggravated. And worst of all, hungry.

Hobbs returned the next morning expecting to find the location, but didn't. Hobbs is thief of the city, not one for exploring wilderness. His confidence in his abilities was unjustified. 

With this act, the underground complex came into existence. It now exists in Hobbs's mind as he obsessed where it is. Before to long others discovered it. Today the underground has consumed the lives of small animals, a woman gathering herbs, and an unarmed elf who believed he'd found an undiscovered place he could loot.

It waits to be told what to be.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

A Walk-Thru of Unnatural Selection

I received my copy of Unnatural Selection the other day and decided to do a video walk-thru. I travel through each section giving an overview of one of biggest 3rd party releases for Shadowdark.