
Thursday, January 1, 2015

Closing the Door on A Good Year at the Manor

On the eve of the dying year I've decided to write one of those look back posts.  Which I actually don't mind.  I think they are interesting when I read others.  I haven't written one for the past couple of years.  So you have been warned this will be filled with favorite lists, sales number, games played and other such things.  Turn back now.

Random Category List

Most Popular Post: Short Bitch & Moan Post (2229 hits)
Apparently like hearing me complain...or it had short in the title.

Most Commented Post: Gothridge Manor Turns 5 and a Giveaway (46 comments)
I was giving shit away.  I'm not proud, I'll buy some friends.

Most Plussed Post: Gifts at the Manor (+38)
People like looking at my goodies. 

Favorite Posts:
Tempering Expectations: Kinda Sorta a Timeline of My 1st Product
Game Prop Series: Tarot Cards, Maps & Scrollcases, Coins, Fantasy Billboards, Files & Photos, Music & Sound Effects
Lesson in Adventure Writing
The Gamer I Once Was

Favorite Kickstarter: Scarlet Heroes

I was interviewed three times this year.  That is three times more than any other year.  Two were video interviews.  The first one was at Gaming Ballistic with +Douglas Cole.  I think he lost a bet to +Erik Tenkar and Doug was obligated.

I was asked to do a video panel with +Si W and speak about Creating Believable Characters+Zach Glazar of Whisper & Venom fame, was also on the panel.

The final interview was a quick question and answer post at the Otyugh Talk, +Matt Borselli facilitated the interview.

I have to say this was surprising to me.  I don't think of myself as someone, anyone would interview.  Just ask my gaming group, they can barely stand talking to me more than once a week.  It was fun, even though I tend to ramble and not answer questions asked.  I may have a big future in politics.

I went to two conventions this year.  I was a fucking social butterfly.  I went to Origins for the second time and to Con on the Cob, also for a second time.  Origins was okay, but I was maxed out on people when I went so I wasn't in all that great of state of mind.   Con on the Cob however, was a lot of fun.  I got to game with our Monday night crew around a table. 

Gaming Groups
There is the Monday Night Crew is color.  We've been gaming on Monday Nights for 5 or 6 years now, only missing a few Mondays each year.  I am bias, but it is a blast gaming with these guys.  We have such a good time.  We've recently added +Joshua Macy and +Douglas Cole into the Monday night crew and it's only gotten better.  Oh, and the dude doing the double devil horns is +Roy Snyder, our illustrious GM for our DCC session, it ended up in the bar because we were kicked off our table due to a witches ball that was about to begin.  Gotta love con life.

I joined +Erik Tenkar's group, also called The B Team.  Whisk says the B is for Buttheads.  Can't argue with that.  We play on Fridays when we can.  We are traipsing around the  +Joseph Bloch's mega dungeon Castle of the Mad Archmage.  So far the team has included +Douglas Cole (this is his third mention in this post and he did not pay me), +Peter V. Dell'Orto, +Joe D, and cast of others.  It's been great getting to know these guys.

Games Played
Blood & Treasure -  +Ken H
5th Edition D&D - +Rob Conley
Swords & Wizardry Core - +Chris C.
GURPS - +Douglas Cole (son of a bitch, 4 times)
Cryptmaster - +Tim Snider
Labyrinth Lord - +Jim Yoder
DCC - +Roy Snyder
Swords & Wizardry Complete - +Erik Tenkar

As you can see, a strong OSR tinge to it.  I still want to see how some of the other games work.

Games I GMed
Esoterrorist - 1 session at Con on the Cob.  I got the GM this around the table with the guys.  I had a lot of props that seemed to have a good effect on the crew.  Freaked Rob out a little bit.  He kept asking "Is this real".  I am really enjoying this game. 

My own concoction of a system - 2 sessions on Roll 20.  First sessions exploded into a big party fight.  Second session ended ended in a demon being released on purpose.  With so many cool GMs in our group Monday night space is a premium and we have three current games going so I just wait for my turn.

Favorite New Game (to me)
Esoterrorists.   I just dig the setting and premise.  Its a great break from the fantasy genre.  If I were to run a new game it would be using this system.

GM Games Stats

Now onto bid'ness.  It has been a very good year for GM Games.  Surprisingly so.

New Business
  • In June I started a Patreon page writing micro-adventures.  I've been pleased with the success of it.  I'm up to $56 an adventure.  I have put pretty much all I made back into the gaming community and The Manor.  
  • In December I participate in the first Mythoard box, an idea thought up by the mad man +Jarrod Shaw.  I created an exclusive for it, The Stone Fields of Azoroth, which I believe will become on ongoing world.  
Products Produced
  • Manor #6 was released in May.  It was a fantastic collaboration of a ton of great folks. 
  • Manor #7 was released in August.  This issue I took the role of editor and collected a batch of grea articles.  
  • Starter Adventures was released in December.  A project I've had in the fire for four years that just kept getting put in the backburner.
  • Stone Fields of Azoroth for Mythhoard.  This came out in December also. 
  • 18 Micro-Adventures for Patreon.   I had a lot of fun doing these.  I mean I draw maps all the damn time I might as well write an adventure around them.


Just over 900 sales.  Holy shit.  It's fantastic to see that number.  Most of my sales game from two things; when I offered the bundle of print Manors and when I did the Buck a Manor PDF sale recently.  Those two account for about 40% of my sales.  If I wanted to cheat I sold 100 copies of Stone Fields of Azoroth to get me over the 1000 mark.  Okay, let's say I did cause those count also. New chart is needed.

That's better. 

Free Stuff
I also I had quite a few free product downloads this year.
So 676 free downloads.  I've sent out a crapload of other free stuff, but I'm lousy at keeping track of that kind of thing.  I just do it because its fun.  Gaming is fun.  Or its supposed to be when people aren't pissing on someone else's leg...or their own.  

GM Games 2015

2014 was a great year for GM Games.  While I like getting the sales the whole point is to put out something fun and useful.  My favorite posts to read are where someone used one of my adventures/whatever in their own game and describe how they tailor fit it to their game.  It's flattering and fantastic to hear how they interpreted and changed the content.  Onto what I'd like accomplished in 2015.

  • To get 4 issues of The Manor out.  One a season.  I would love to do this.  Not sure if I can.  But that is my goal.
  • I have a compilation of Manors, 1 thru 5 ready to be released on Lulu.  I'll offer it in hardback and trade paperback.  Since Lulu is friendlier with getting print books out this should be fairly easy.  Plus, I've had this kick ass cover sitting around from +Johnathan Bingham and his wife Daisy.
  • I would like to produce a couple of full-fledged adventures.  Like Knowledge Illuminates, but broader in scope.  More involved.
  • I want to collaborate more with folks.  I've had the pleasure of working with a great bunch of folks, but their are a few I'd like to join forces and do something. 
  • Continue building my Patreon.  Complete at minimum 2 micro-adventures a month.  I love doing them.
  • Do a limited run full magazine, Super Sized Manor!  I got the printer to do it!
  • Get Whisk to do art for a series of kids adventures and help me write it.  This would be the best one.  
Lastly, a huge thanks to all of you who stop by to comment, give me a +1, and purchase my stuff.  I do appreciate the support.

On to next year. 


  1. Congrats on an excellent year. And we always have our nights together at Con on the Cob (what happens in Hudson OH, stays in Hudson OH).

    The Esoterrorists were a blast. I will play again anytime. I still have my color coded notes and timeline. My kind of game, for sure.

    1. Happy New Years to you and your lovely wife.

    2. This comment is here just so I get twice as high of a comment score as Chris C.

    3. ha, you are a shithead. And there are so many examples why in those three comments.

    4. A lofty and noble goal Ken. Go for three times my score.

    5. Awww...I did wish you and Whisk a happy New Year. Now I am all sad.

  2. I'm not your friend. So maybe you'll accept this accolade in the neutral (dare I say: business/professional?) spirit of a man that has been involved in publishing his entire life:

    You have a ton of talent. Congratulations to your wife and family for cultivating and nurturing, monetizing and sharing in the assorted anxieties of taking what is your art and putting it out there for people to buy, steal, criticize or whatever fills their day.

    It takes guts. You've got them too.

    And branding/creative identity, something you are clearly building. Damned if I didn't try to pay full price for the couple of Manor pdfs I am missing, but Lulu or RPGnow ran me around . . . passwords or account creation, some bullshit nonsense that may appeal to younger men . . . I poured a scotch and plan to revisit in a few weeks.

    Your material is worth full price, free heroin notwithstanding to give us a taste.

    Keep up the great work in 2015. Congratulations all around. And man is it bolstering to see this D&D/RPG community so unified and expansive thirty years after I departed the game. Just when I thought the internet was only good for free porn.

    Long live the Caves of Chaos, and the caverns beneath them, too.


    1. Rick thanks for the kind words man. Much appreciated. I came into writing stuff for gaming like I did years ago for my fiction. I wrote what I liked and then tried to find an audience. With the OSR, my audience was already there. I am very happy with the support I've gotten, just surprises me sometimes. Thank you again and if there is anything you want to check out in my catalog all you need to do is ask. Here's to having a great 2015 for you and your family.

  3. My speech bubble should read: "Now get me some lettuce on a bun.
