After my Dragon Age tragedy. Look at the pictures if you dare. This picture is NSFGT, Not Safe for the Gaming Table. I warn you, the image is graphic.
Aww gawd, the horror! The crumpled corners!
I sent it back and ordered a new one.
But today was a good Mail Call. Noble Knight Games had a sale (might still be going on) so I picked up some odds and ends.
I got at least one Dragon Age product without a gory end. Another Lankhmar product. Like Ravenloft, Lankhmar is another line of products I am trying to collect. O was happy to find this one. The Deck of Illusions was a whim buy. Not sure what it is, but for a few bucks I thought I'd get it. And the final book is from Expeditious Retreat Press series of digest sized monster book broken up by location. I have Underground and March & Aquatic already on my shelves, so Forest can join them. I think these are an under appreciated set of monster books.
Oh and I also got...
The Ravenloft core book for my collection. I say collection, but I read and use these puppies also. So the mail have been very good to me today.
Eff those crumpled corners! Good on ya for demanding a pristine box!