Monday, January 6, 2014

Hack and Slash Therapy: Pocket Adventure

Lunch time at work.  I need some dice and an orc to kill.  I'm thankful we are gaming tonight.  I think I might create something I can stick in my pocket and use during my breaks.  Do a small pocket adventure.  Have a table of random characters, roll one.  Have a table of random encounters, roll one.  Have a table of random treasure, roll one.  If you're guy beats the baddie then you get the loot.  Record the score of you guy in the book.  Keep using the guy until he is defeated.  Record score, sorta like the old high scored of video games. 

It would be a d10 system.  Easier to find numbers on random things 0-9.  An orc may have a hit target of 3 or above.  A ogre may be 5 or above.  And each monster would have a number of hit points for lack of a better term, but in this game one hit does 1 damage.  And orc would have 2 health, and a ogre might have 4 health. 

Treasure would be multiplied by the health of the monster.  Say I randomly rolled 5gp was the treasure and killed an orc, my score would be 15. 

What do you think?  Lunch time is over and there are no dice or orcs in sight.  sigh


  1. Well... I may be able to help.


    1. Thanks for the info. You've been hard at work Andrew.

  2. Sounds like it'd be a fun way to spend break time!

    1. Besides the constant interruptions it would be fun. I need to find a cubby hole where I shut the door.

  3. Doh! Andrew!

    Just how much new material do you think I can look at in one year!?


    1. More than you imagined. No wonder gamers seem to all have symptoms of ADD, there are so many shiny things.

    2. We revel in an embarrassment of riches!

    3. Andrew is a machine. I could not produce as much good stuff in a year that he creates in a single month.

  4. Phone app, so it looks like I am being productive at work (although they are on to me already).

    1. No doubt Ken. But I think your screams of "Die you dirty damn orc" from your office gives it away.

    2. Well, as long as the Boss isn't walking by his door when he hollers! LOL
