Monday, June 2, 2014

A New Style of Mountain and Hill

A new style for me anyway.  Tons of folks have been drawing them this way for years.  In my latest map I thought I would give it a go.  In an attempt to make it a little more stylistic than a pair of pointy tips or a pair of rounded mounds....hmm, nevermind. 

I was trying to figure out a way to do the forests different, a little perspective, but couldn't find a look I liked or that I could do well. 

Overall I like the new mountains and hills.  With the hills I can depict whether they are low rolling hills and steep hills. 


  1. I like your perspective. The mountains are really nice.

    1. Thanks. Trying to put a new element into my maps.

  2. Nice mountains. I really like the new look.

    1. Thanks, I'll probably send you something along here soon. A map sporting the new style.
