Those of you who already know The Happy Whisk, my wife, is dressed up for Halloween this year. Although when she spins too much in the living room she runs into things.
These are various games that got me playing. They are not in any real order. There is a mix of RPGs, board games, video games and one card game.
1. AD&D, it started it all.
2. GURPS, more 3rd edition than 4th, but still love getting me some GURPS.
3. Atari 2600: Adventure, 1st D&D game on video.
4. Risk, pretty much everyone has this on their list.
5. Titan, I'm surprised this one is not on more lists.
6. Monopoly, are you kidding who could forget this one.
7. Cyberball, robot football, these guys are allowed knock the crap out of one another with getting fined.
8. Ultima Online, my first on-line addition. Spend way too much time on this game.
9. Cyberpunk, very cool game with a lot of great moments.
10. Swords & Wizardry and Castles & Crusades are tied here. C&C drew me in initially, but it was S&W that made me stay.
11. Pendragon, love this game and have never ran one. Something about the books that just gets my imagination churning.
12. Trouble, loved popping the little bubble over the die and first game I think I had a strategy.
13. Magic the Gathering, our group got in at the beginning and played the hell out of it, but it burned out fast.
14. OSRIC, definitely a great game that doesn't seem to get as much play as some of the retro clones.
15. Madden 93, first Madden game I think, may have been 92. Finally a football game that I always wanted.
So the party is strolling or riding to some city, town or backwood village and usually there is a wall, where there is usually a gate, where there is usually a guard or guards in various stages of boredom. Standing all day guarding a hole in the wall can test the limits of your sanity. How many times have the players approached and the guards shout "Halt, state your business." Then the player smartass replies fly. Well here is a mix of things the guards can greet the players with. Some are more serious and some are very smartass. Why let the players have all the fun?
1. Halt, state your business. (Why reinvent the wheel. This is always the tried and true greeting.)
2. Good day sirs (and ladies) what brings you to our quiet little town? (Same as above, but more polite.)
3. Guards don't say a thing. They don't care.
4. One gold per person, per cart, per horse and per comment I don't like.
5. Adventures, welcome to (insert name here), we have many fine taverns and shops within, but I need to ask you to behave. The guard points to the two bodies hanging from the walls. The lord will not tolerate chaos here so please act accordingly.
6. Name. Place of birth. List of arms.
7. It's been a long time since I've seen a group as ugly as this. I don't think they can pass through my pretty gate. That is unless they pay an ugly tax and by the looks of you it's gonna be high.
8. Archers aim at that one (the guard points at the most annoying person in the party. If the guards are going to kill someone it might as well be the annoying one). If he moves kill him. Kill them all. I don't like this group. Only one of you can go in while the others wait outside. And that one (the annoying player) is not allowed to be the one to go in.
9. I like meat.
10. The guard seems to wake up even though he was standing. Halt. Halt I say. Halt in the name of Lord...ummm.
11. Stop. You need a writ of passage to enter. The Lord requires all travelers to have a stamped writ of passage. Don't have one? You can buy one over there for 50gp.
12. It's raining again and I always get stuck doing the shit duty. I don't know why they hate me. They all hate me. I didn't do a damn thing to them.
13. Good day to you and welcome to our town. Is there anything I can assist you with?
14. All weapons need to be secured. Magic items must be checked in with the mage guild. If this is a problem turn around and go home. This is not an option and I am not interested in arguing about it.
15. Did you see any trolls out there? I heard them the other night growling and hooting in the woods over yonder.
16. By the gods you've arrived at last the lord is waiting for you. (Insert very annoying adventure here.)
17. The guards surround the party and a group of men ride out. This town is not accepting visitors this day.
18. Hey, doesn't that guy look like Harold? Hey buddy can you take off your helmet? Other guard comes walking around. He don't look nothing like him. Yes he does. No he don't. (You get the picture.)
19. A very short guard says, I smell something funny. Smells like trouble. Are you trouble? He points at a party member. (Little guard syndrome.)
20. You may pass. (I'm already running late for work so that's all I got.)
Yesterday was our monthly game that Rob does on Saturdays. I attend this game irregularly. Well, I woke up in one pissy ass mood. Can't explain it just woke up irritated and angry. It was a beautiful fall day, was off of work, got paid the day before and gaming to look forward to in the afternoon so what the hell did I have to be grumpy about?
Well after a few hours my bad mood wouldn't budge. It was going to plant its big fat ass on my Saturday. I called Rob on Skype and told him that I wouldn't be making it to the game. The last thing I wanted to do was spoil a gaming night. That's sacrilege.
I've been in games where a player was in a crappy mood and vented it out in game. Spoils the fun for everyone and I refuse to be 'that guy'. So the better part of valor, common sense or courtesy I stayed home. Sometimes you just gotta know when to call it a day.
Al over at Beyond the Black Gate asked what is on your gaming table. So here is what is on mine. I have two tables going, one for playing and one for working on adventures.
Players Table
Swords & Wizardry, Core Rule by Matt Finch
Supplement VI: The Majestic Wilderlands by Robert S. Conley
1st Edition DMG by Gary Gygax
We continue to play on Monday Nights fairly regular and my elf, Monteblank reached 9th level last night. I keep the 1st Edition DMG handy because of some of the magic items we get I need to refer to in there. I'm old. I've forgotten.
Publisher Table
Swords & Wizardry, Core Rule by Matt Finch
S&W Monster Book by Matt Finch, by the way if you don't have this book get it. I think it's the best monster manual out there. There is something I like a lot about its simplicity.
Adventure Design Deskbook by, hmm I wonder who it could be, oh that's right, Matt Finch
Magical Medieval Society: Western Europe by Expeditious Retreat Press
There is large a mixture of others that include Labyrinth Lord, HackMaster, Pathfinder, Pendragon, AD&D and GURPS. I'm not afraid to draw in inspiration or help from anywhere. I have books on medieval villages, cities, castles, visions and times. I'm not afraid to use them. So you can see my gaming table is always a fricking mess.