Yesterday I returned to the post office and what did I see in my little cramped post office box, but a yellow slip. Those little yellow slips tell me the mailmen are keeping a surprise from me in the back. Behold, the new Swords & Wizardry. Apparently its been there for a few days, but I never got a yellow slip. So Frog God Games were on top of things though a confirmation email that it shipped would have been a good thing.
I have the tomorrow off so I am looking forward to sitting down with it and taking a look through. My initial impressions though, being a bit aged, the font is small. But hopefully that's just a minor thing. Hope everyone has a good New Year.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
What Gaming Stuff I've Been Tinkering With
I'm stilling tinkering around with publishing a
couple adventurers I have in the final stages, but found out one of them has an
outdated map. Rob Conley redid the map,
but can't seem to find the final edited version. I did a lot of renumbering and editing to
have the adventure make more sense...I think.
So when Rob get back from vacation I'll see if he still has a copy.
My second adventure in the final stages is being a
pain in the ass to layout. I'm sure it's
a simple fix, but one that eludes me at the moment. Ivy did the artwork for this one and I think
the pictures came out pretty well.
For some reason I have been playing around with
harpies. I decided to mess with my own
version of a monster manual. I came up
with a couple variations to mess with.
I'll probably post them later in the week. I did a lot of research of the mythology and
several of the existing gaming books on harpies including James Mal's Slayers Guide. I jotted notes of the stuff I
wanted to include on a note card and then filled in the gaps as I wrote about
the harpies.
I've also been reading over the Dragon Age RPG
books and I really like some of what they have.
Still fooling around with my own campaign world I really like the random
table of advantages a character gets for belonging to a culture. Plus, I think overall a 3d6 system is more
suited to my tastes. Being a huge GURPS
fan for many years its not hard to imagine.
The other think I've been writing about is
critical hits. This one was inspired
from the session where we play tested Goodman Games new old school version
game. In his game I think the idea of
the critical hit was good, but not the execution. What I am mulling over is different classes
would have different critical hit dice.
A fighter gets to roll a d20 where as a cleric rolls a d12, a thief a
d10 and the mage classes would get to roll a d6. This is only for armed combat not
spells. Of course the higher the number
the more potent the critical will be.
But that means coming up with a 20+ list of effects. Not enough brain power to attempt that yet. And I am sure I will find a ton of critical
hit lists that I can scavenge from.
Still waiting on my Swords & Wizardry book,
hoping it was sent out in the last mailings and wondering if the rumors of the
Castle Keeper's Guide are true. The
latter one I've waited for, for so long that I am almost indifferent about it
now. But not quite indifferent. If the rumors be true than I am sure I will
get it down the line.
Have a good one.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
A Swords & Wizardry Question
Since I don't follow forums or even try to read them, I was wondering when Frog God Games was going to begin to mail the new S&W out? I ordered mine the opening day, got the soft cover and PDF. While the PDF is all well and good, I really need to hard copy in my hands to enjoy it. I received a receipt for the purchase but haven't sen anything about mailing schedule. Thanks ahead of time for the information unless you tell me the wrong date.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
City Encounter Generator
Hi folks, hope everyone is enjoying the holiday. I thought I would do a quick post about another generator I recently found that I think will be helpful. Johnn Four has a City Encounter Generator available on-line. He has a free PDF download, 650 Fantasy City Encounters Seeds & Hooks is where I got the link and I believe is what the generator is based off of. Go check it out. Its the right price after maxing out your account for the holiday.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Dead or Unconscious
Back in the 80s we all pretty much played the same
rules of AD&D. There were some minor
differences from DM to DM, but not so much that you couldn't navigate the game
after a few rounds of combat. The one
rule that was pretty standard was the unconscious and death thresholds. At 0 to -9 you were off to blackout land, but
still breathing. If someone hit -10 or
below, some divine assistance was going to be needed. This gave some leeway if something horrible
happened in combat.
I am generalizing here and I know it's not
universal, but it seems that I have been reading that once a character hits 0
hit points he is dead. Or 0 is unconscious
and any negative hit points makes dead people.
I guess I like having more of a range of having someone get knocked
out. I know some games have it where the
character only dies when he is negative his constitution score. Which I like.
Using old school GM tools though I would, depending on how the player
died, describe how the downed character is bleeding out, still on fire, the big
bug is still chewing on a leg whatever to inform the other players that this
player will die if they don't take some sort of action.
The other reason I like this version is it gives
the players a bit of a span to dead with especially at lower levels. Once in the high levels when you have mages
and critters dropping 7d6 damage on you at a shot than your 14 constitution
isn't going to assist you as much.
The other reason I like it, even though I am not a
huge fan of resurrection, the rule of someone being raised is they will lose a
number of constitution points depending on their race. I thought about making it depending on class,
but to me it makes more sense that it would be a racial thing and their ability
to with stand an ordeal.
Off to work I go.
I have a short week this week because of the holidays so I hope to get
in some gaming. Hope everyone else does
to. Have a good one.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
New Red Box Owner
Don't get your OSR panties in a bunch. Armed with a 33% coupon at Borders I bought *gasp* the new Red Box. I would put a picture up, but everyone knows what it looks like. It looks like the old red box, but its not. You maybe asking yourself, why? Why would I waste money on this instead of a kickass OSR module? Or you may have already clicked away. Anyways, I have my reasons.
1. I have been looking at that damn box on the shelf for months. Being a bit compulsive in buying gaming stuff I think I did real good with resisting.
2. Recently I started playing S&W with my wife. She has a knack for questioning things we gamers sometimes take for granted. So, I wanted her to try the 4th edition red box vs. S&W. Sorta like a blind taste test, except she won't be blindfolded. There is a joke in there, but I will leave it alone at risk of being smacked later.
I'm curious to see which one she will prefer. To see which game is more beginner friendly. It should be interesting.
1. I have been looking at that damn box on the shelf for months. Being a bit compulsive in buying gaming stuff I think I did real good with resisting.
2. Recently I started playing S&W with my wife. She has a knack for questioning things we gamers sometimes take for granted. So, I wanted her to try the 4th edition red box vs. S&W. Sorta like a blind taste test, except she won't be blindfolded. There is a joke in there, but I will leave it alone at risk of being smacked later.
I'm curious to see which one she will prefer. To see which game is more beginner friendly. It should be interesting.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Fantasy Henchmen and Hireling Generator
I was messing around on the web the other day and I found this completely fantastic site, Meatshields! I've been messing around with it and found it very useful. It's made for old gamers like us. Very cool. The artwork by Toren Atkinson is perfect. I'm sure others have spotted this before me, but I thought I would put it out there. I know I have it bookmarked.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Thoughts on the New Swords & Wizardry Rulebook
During the mad rush the other day when Frog Gods opened the gates, I failed to get a hardcover. Ah well. I was able to land a soft cover and get the PDF for free for only $23 after S&H. An excellent deal. Now I haven't read the whole rulebook. I can't do that reading the PDF, just bits and pieces and sections. Normally I would print it out, but since the book is coming, umm I don't know when, I only printed a few sections.
The biggest thing is the new S&W felt more like AD&D than white box. The biggest difference is the availability of more classes, those available in the original PHB. There are a larger range of attribute bonuses, different from AD&D but again farther away from the white box. Races are not a class. All of these I am in favor of, but was wondering what others thought.
A few things about the layout though, some of the text parts are difficult to read because they text is so close together. Also in some section I was very interested in like high level adventuring, hiring henchmen and developing an adventure I wanted more. I'm a sucker for reading those kind of things and I would have like to have seen a little more space dedicated to those sections.
I'm not sure when the shipping dates are for the books. I hope its soon. Anyway, those of you who have read through the PDF more thoroughly than me, what do you think?
The biggest thing is the new S&W felt more like AD&D than white box. The biggest difference is the availability of more classes, those available in the original PHB. There are a larger range of attribute bonuses, different from AD&D but again farther away from the white box. Races are not a class. All of these I am in favor of, but was wondering what others thought.
A few things about the layout though, some of the text parts are difficult to read because they text is so close together. Also in some section I was very interested in like high level adventuring, hiring henchmen and developing an adventure I wanted more. I'm a sucker for reading those kind of things and I would have like to have seen a little more space dedicated to those sections.
I'm not sure when the shipping dates are for the books. I hope its soon. Anyway, those of you who have read through the PDF more thoroughly than me, what do you think?
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Game Night with the Wife
Last night I ran my wife through a small adventure
using Swords & Wizardry. I had her
roll two characters. Her first character
was named Diana Prince, the other Jaime Sommers. Wonder Woman, I meant Diana was a magic-user
and the Bionic Woman, err, Jaime was a fighter.
After a several minute distraction of who would win in an arm wrestling
contest (Of course Jaime would be using her bionic arm) we got into the
Well almost.
It took a bit of verbal acrobatics to explain the magic system. Being flooded with visions of Harry Potter,
Gandulf and a handful of TV mages whipping out spells left and right it was
tough to tell her she got one spell to start with. That didn't go over to well. Then to top it off I had to tell her she
couldn't wear armor. I explained this is
why I had her roll up a fighter character.
After buying armor, weapons and equipment we
started into the adventure. Since she
was playing two elven females I made Amazonian type village on the fly. The adventure started with one of the other
female villagers running from a rabid wolf.
Jaime ran out of her home and launched a spear at the wolf killing it
easily. What she didn't expect was the
wolf transformed into a goblin.
Diana recognized the ritual markings on the
goblin, a member of the Black Foot tribe, a tribe that they had a treaty with
for several years. The leader of the
village asked Jaime and Diana to go to the tribe and see what has
happened. The trip would take the better
part of the day. Ivy decided to leave
now and arrive at the goblins just before nightfall.
As she travelled through the forest a group of three
goblin zombies came out of the trees. Her
initially volley, spear and two darts missed.
One dart did damage to one of the zombies. Two of the goblin zombies engaged with Jaime
and one hit (she had an AC of 18) and did maximum damage. Second round, Jaime hit with her axe killing
the wounded zombie. At this time there
was some discussion why her sleep spell wouldn't work against these
undead. She argued she was only allowed
one spell and now her spell was no good.
When the zombies attacked they rolled very well and putting both Jaime
and Diana down for the count.
Our after game discussion about what happened was
good. She enjoyed herself. I am still getting her used to what dice are
what, the general mechanics of the game and how to play the game. Next time I will have her roll up two more
characters, a cleric and a thief so she has a full party. She already has their names picked out, Kelly
Garrett and Nancy Drew.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Villains, S&W Style 2
Villains, S&W Style 2
Not all villains are skull toting, demon worshiping, psycho killers. Subtle
villains act as others, mingling within the common populace without any
knowing. They will have positions within
the community such as craftsmen, washerwomen, tavern owners, or city
guards. To some people they will be best
friends and assist them in any way possible. But to others they become a danger and often
their victims don't understand why they've been targeted.
0-Level, Human, Female
S: 9, D: 11, C: 8, I: 13, W: 12, Ch: 14
HP: 3, AC: 9 [10], Dam: n/a, SV: 16
Equipment: lap harp, poisons
Lavonia is one of the more beloved women in the
town. She is an attractive, generous
woman who married a city guard named Wilton.
She has a beautiful singing voice and often plays during celebrations
both for private and public affairs. She
suffers from poor health and often disappears for a few days because of her
Within their home, in a hidden basement is a cage
where Wilton locks up Lavonia during her bouts of sickness. Several years ago before her marriage to
Wilton, Lavonia became pregnant. Her
mother became furious and would not see her daughter disgrace the family. Her mother made her drink the poisons that
would cause a miscarriage. Lavonia had
the miscarriage, but her mother continued to have her drink the poisons as
punishment. Her health diminished until
she barely could speak. It wasn't until
her father returned that he immediately summoned the healers. The poisons saturated her body. The healers did what they could to bring her
to health, but said she would always be affected by the poison for as long as
she lived.
As the years passed she grew healthier, but with
severe bouts of illness. Wilton noticed
that livestock and pets would be found dead during the times of her bouts. Then the children started getting sick. Twin boys died with days of one another and
Wilton confronted Lavonia. He found
sobbing and she admitted to poisoning the boys, but did not intend to kill
them. Lavonia is over come by a calming
madness to harm other during her bouts.
She knows how to prepare poisons and hides them in food and drinks. She will make batches of the poison and place
them where others with find them, especially children. Wilton locks her up during times when she
obviously sick, but he is unaware that Lavonia is always in her calming madness
and she no longer finds satisfaction in harming. She goes to the celebrations to slip her
poisons in where she can.
Gerald 'Gray Robe'
3rd Level Fighter, Human, Male
S: 13, D: 15, C: 11, I: 13, W: 9, Ch: 13
HP: 17, AC: 2 [17], Dam: 1d6+3, SV: 12
Equipment: +1 Ringmail, +1 Shield, +2 Short Sword,
Ring of Feather Fall
Gerald is the Sergeant of the Watch. He is considered a competent soldier with
little potential to move above his current station. He lacks the imagination to solve situations out
of the ordinary and often requires assistance.
Because of this his men do not respect him and hope to see him retire so
their group can rise in prestige.
Because of the lack of respect held by all the others Gerald's group is
often thrown into the most dangerous situations to 'evaluate' the
situation. Gerald is well aware of what
others think about him.
In the past few months Gerald has been going to
the shadier side of town disguised. He
went there to drink away from the others and to forget his troubles in one of
the comfortable beds within the brothels.
During his trek to a tavern he was attacked by two young boys who
thought they had found an easy mark.
Gerald easily dispatched the two boys, killing one and critically
wounding another. He saw the fear in the
boy's eyes. In that moment he felt a
surprising rush of satisfaction. An
epiphany, this is how others should be looking at him.
Although, very little changed at within the
guards, Gerald began trolling the streets at night looking for someone to
provide him with the satisfaction of fear. He disguises his armor and weapons
under an old tattered gray robe he got off one of his victims. Whispers of Gray Robe are heard throughout
the city. Gerald is very pleased with
himself. He is not selective with his
victims and will attack anyone who looks like they might put up a fight.
0-Level Dwarf
S: 12, D: 10, C: 14, I: 11, W: 8, Ch: 8
HP: 4, AC: 8 [11], Dam: 1d4, SV: 16
Equipment: Leather Armor, Dagger, Ring of Azzul*
*The Ring of
Azzul is a cursed item. It will allow
the wearer to resist poisons and allows the wearer to summon one
skeleton/day. The Ring of Azzul requires
the wearer to sacrifice at least five hit points of blood to the dark god/day
to work. The ring cannot be removed
unless the entire finger is removed or a remove curse spell is cast. When the ring is first worn is burrows itself
beneath the skin and wraps around the bone with a small protrusion above the
skin that is dripped into the blood. If
the ring is not fed the full five hot points of blood it will take it from the
Slocum is a scar covered dwarf. Because of the ring he wears he has sacrificed
his own blood many times, but he always needs to supplement the ring's
thirst. Slocum, a coward, was kicked out
of his dwarven clan, beard shaved and abandon at the bottom of a mountain
range. Though Slocum is a coward he is a
survivor and has been through many horrible times. During one of these times he was slave to a
vicious mage who experimented on him often.
By mere chance Slocum found the ring and used against the mage. He escaped with only his life and the ring.
Slocum quickly realized he needed to feed the
ring. He was fortune enough to get a job
working in a kitchen. Slaughtering the
animals provided him enough blood to keep him from suffering the ring's
hunger. There are times when he is given
days off or the masters are away he must find other sources of blood. During these times he will bleed out
Slocum has no problem using the ring's powers
against anyone to keep himself alive. He
will avoid direct combat using the skeleton to do his slaughtering. He has used the skeleton several times to
kill the people so the ring could drink.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Adventure Hooks or Getting to the Adventure
You've just bought a great adventure module at your
local gaming store or the awesome RPGNow and though the adventure is great, how
do you get the players there. The old
standby 'you see a mysterious stranger in the tavern and he walks up to your
table' shtick. When all else fails there
is nothing wrong with that version especially if time is an issue. Just maybe switch it up a bit. The guy doesn't
have to be mysterious, or a stranger or not have to walk up to the party. Could be a buddy they knew from mercenary
school who gets tossed onto the party's table and as he is being drug away he
screams for help.
How do you get the party to this awesome adventure
you are dying to run? First of as a GM
you should know what motivates your players.
Wealth? Power? Purpose?
Shits and giggles? Whatever it
might be alter the adventure slightly to include the carrot that will have them
chasing after your adventure. If your
party wants to find a sword of power maybe put on in the adventure or at least
in a rumor. If the party wants money,
easy enough, you know what to do.
Purpose you may need to alter the adventure more if your party plays a
demon police and have made it their cause to purge this plane of existence of
demonic presence then take the time to switch out a few critters, slip in a
demon boss or at least some minions that are mucking up the works. For shits and giggles players just straight
out have someone tell them "Hey there are monsters in that
direction." And off they go,
leaving half drank tankards and disgruntled bar wenches.
Be careful using canned modules. The main reason, the players may own them and
know them better than you. This is
something we've run into in our current campaign. One of the players used to run the canned
module regularly when he GMed so when it came time for him to adventure through
it as a player, he knew it better than the GM.
If you run canned modules take the time to change a few things
around. Swap some critters out. Or move it down the timeline say a few
decades from when it was written. I
always enjoy playing those 'what if' games.
What would the Tomb of Horrors look like after thirty years of
adventurers going through? It would be a
lot different than written. This way the
adventure stay fresh, but it still holds the mystique old adventure. "My god, what happened to the green
face devil?"
GMs know your players. That's the easiest way to get them involved in
an adventure. And enjoy the
adventure. Just don't be lazy with you
canned modules. A little work will go a
long way.
Adventure Design,
Adventure Hooks,
Canned Modules
Friday, December 3, 2010
Things I Also Thought About Gaming While Not at the Table
James C. over at A Dungeon Master's Tale wrote a cool blog about Ten Things I Did as the Dungeon Master This Week all them away from the table and without cracking a rulebook. He's got a great blog please go check it out.
I don't know if I have ten things, but I do a quick list.
1. I was in the small bathroom at my house trying to get out Christmas decorations and a thought popped into my head. It would be hard to fight in this small of room. Especially with wepaons. No way to swing a sword or axe. Even the angles of the hallway would make it difficult to use a polearm. Maybe it popped into my head because I was loosing a fight with the decorations.
2. Food. If I was lugging, fighting and healing I would want to eat and drink a lot. How much water would an adventurer really need for some of these adventures.
3. Since its snowing now and I nearly went ass over tincup on my sidewalk I thought if I had weight on my back armor on, no good grip shoes I would be falling all over the place.
Everyone have a great weekend. Remember to take a break and do some gaming.
I don't know if I have ten things, but I do a quick list.
1. I was in the small bathroom at my house trying to get out Christmas decorations and a thought popped into my head. It would be hard to fight in this small of room. Especially with wepaons. No way to swing a sword or axe. Even the angles of the hallway would make it difficult to use a polearm. Maybe it popped into my head because I was loosing a fight with the decorations.
2. Food. If I was lugging, fighting and healing I would want to eat and drink a lot. How much water would an adventurer really need for some of these adventures.
3. Since its snowing now and I nearly went ass over tincup on my sidewalk I thought if I had weight on my back armor on, no good grip shoes I would be falling all over the place.
Everyone have a great weekend. Remember to take a break and do some gaming.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Brisco's Eleven-Foot Pole
Howdy mighty adventurer, have I got the latest and
greatest dungeon delving tool for you, Brisco's Eleven-Foot Pole. You might be asking why our eleven-foot pole
is different from the other ten-foot poles.
Simple, our pole goes to eleven.
Brisco's Eleven-Foot Pole can collapse into a
one-foot rod making transportation easier and can double as a club. When crawling through narrow caverns or
passages the last thing an adventurer needs is to have his tools hinder as will normal ten-foot poles will do. With an easy pull of a lever the pole shrinks
into a one-foot pole in an instant. The
lever has a lock down recess that will keep unwanted shrinkage from
Brisko's Eleven-Foot can also be used as a
ladder. Small pegs hidden within the
pole can be extracted to provide footholds.
No more waiting at the bottom of a pit while being heckled by party
members to lower a rope.
A pair of new features recently developed and
provided for no additional charge is a continual light spell at the end of Brisco's
Eleven-Foot Pole, that can be covered by an assortment of several decorative
caps. Each cap can also be used at a projectile by
simply shrinking the Brisco Pole to its one-foot section then expanding the
pole causing to cap to launch itself at your intended target.
With Brisko's Eleven-Foot Pole you get the convenience
of it collapsing into a one-foot club, the ability to turn into a ladder, a
continual light spell, and three decorative caps that can be used as
missiles. Brisco's Eleven-Foot Pole can
be yours for only 100gp or in four easy installments of 25gp. Now if that weren't enough, Brisko has added
four of his Brisko's All-Purpose Iron Spikes.
These spikes were given the Adventurer's Reliability Award four years
running. Order now while supplies last.
Customer Reviews
101 out of 103 adventurers found this review helpful
** Frozen Lever and Tacky Caps by Amork "Stoner" StonehillWhile traveling through the frozen Fortuary Pass our party came across a tribe of snow trolls I tried to use the 'projectile cap' option but the cold weather had froze the lever. It wouldn't budge. Although I like the convenience of its size and weight, the continual light spell is more of a nuisance spoiling my dark vision and the decorative caps are embarrassingly tacky. I had one of my buddies whip up a pair of caps that looks better and are more accurate. Although I am not impressed with the eleven-foot pole it is useful, but combine it with a set of Brisko's Iron Spikes (they rule!) the 100gp price is a bit high, but worth it.
91 out of 96 adventurers found this review helpful
*****I wish I had bought Brisko's Eleven-Foot Pole a hundred years ago by Ephemeral Lightleaf
Eleven is better. I use this at home, at work and on weekends when my friends and I decide to go south and have a go at the Caves of Chaos. I've got most of Brisko's products and have never been disappointed.
0 out of 323 adventurers found this review helpful
No Starz by GruGunk
Brisco sukz. I got yur 11 foot pole rite here.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Organizing My PDFs
I've taken a part of my extended weekend to go through the ton of PDFs I have collected over the past few years. I have condensed the binders down from 18 to 12 to make more space on my gaming shelves, which is at a premium. I've gone through and thinned out the ones I haven't used and won't. Some were just bad. I have a collection of random tables ones I've gotten from other blogs and have given credit to those who wrote them, but some I just don't remember. If you see one of yours in my list and I haven't named you please let me know so I can do so.
Purple Binder: Random Generators
1. 100
Tavern Features by *
2. Tavern Tables by Chaotic Shiny Productions
3. Interesting/Unusual
Island Characteristics
4. Hex
Dressing Table by *
5. Quick
NPC Personalities by *
6. 50 Paladin Hooks by Campaign Mastery
7. 50 Barbarian Hooks by Campaign Mastery
8. 54 Sorcerer Hooks by Campaign Mastery
9. 25 Cleric Hooks by Campaign Mastery
10. Dungeons,
Towns and Wildernesses Tables by *
11. Random
NPCs by *
12. Beyond the Black Gate Compendium 2009 by Al Krombach
13. PC Events: Illusionist by Al Krombach
14. PC Events: Fighting-Man by Al Krombach
15. PC Events: Druid by Al Krombach
16. PC Events: Cleric by Al Krombach
17. PC Events: Assassins by Al Krombach
18. The Dungeon Alphabet by Michael Curtis
19. Random Fantasy Adventure Generator by ADM
20. Fantasy Occupations by ADM
21. One Million Magic Items by ADM
Green Binder
1. The Kobold Guide to Game Design, Volume 1: Adventures by Wolfgang Baur
2. The Kobold Guide to Game Design, Volume 2: How to Pitch, Playtest & Publish by
Wolfgang Baur with Nickolas Logue
3. The Kobold Guide to Game Design, Volume 3: Tools and Techniques by Wolfgang Baur,
Monte Cook, Ed Greenwood, Rob Heinsoo and Colin McComb
4. I am Mongoose and So Can You! or Working with RPGS for Fun and Profit by Mathew
Burgundy Binder
1. NPC Essentials by Johnn Four
2. Basic Gamemaster by Chaosium
3. Robin's Laws to Good Game Mastering by Robin D. Laws
4. Tavern Denizens: Book 1 - The Dives by Generic Universe Publishing
Green Binder
1. City Builder Volume 1: Communities by Michael J. Varhola, Jim Clunie and the
Skirmisher Game Development Group
2. City Builder Volume 2: Craftsman Places by Michael J. Varhola, Jim Clunie and the
Skirmisher Game Development Group
3. City Builder Volume 3: Entertainment Places by Michael J. Varhola, Jim Clunie and
the Skirmisher Game Development Group
4. City Builder Volume 4: Professional Places by Michael J. Varhola, Jim Clunie and the
Skirmisher Game Development Group
5. City Builder Volume 5: Tradesman Places by Michael J. Varhola, Jim Clunie and the
Skirmisher Game Development Group
6. City Builder Volume 6: Mercantile Places by Michael J. Varhola, Jim Clunie and the
Skirmisher Game Development Group
7. City Builder Volume 7: Service Places by Michael J. Varhola, Jim Clunie and the
Skirmisher Game Development Group
8. City Builder Volume 8: Scholarly Places by Michael J. Varhola, Jim Clunie and the
Skirmisher Game Development Group
9. City Builder Volume 9: Religious Places by Michael J. Varhola, Jim Clunie and the
Skirmisher Game Development Group
10. City Builder Volume 10: Governmental Places by Michael J. Varhola, Jim Clunie and
the Skirmisher Game Development Group
11. City Builder Volume 11: Underworld Places by Michael J. Varhola, Jim Clunie and the
Skirmisher Game Development Group
Black Binder
1. ePublishing Secrets by 12 to Midnight
2. ePublishing 101 by Gareth-Michael Skarka ADM
Burgundy Binder
1. ePublisher Guide by OneBookShelf Inc.
2. ePublisher PDF Creator by OneBookShelf Inc.
Blue Binder
1. Goods and Gear: The Ultimate Adventurer's Guide by Mark Plemmons and Brian Jelke
Green Binder
1. GURPS, Psionic Powers by Jason Levine
2. GURPS, Power Ups: Perks by Sean Punch
3. GURPS, Power Ups: Imbuements by Sean Punch
Yellow Binder
1. GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 1 Adventures by Sean Punch
2. GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 2 Dungeons by Sean Punch
3. GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 8 Treasure Tables by Matt Riggsby
4. GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 10 Taverns by Jason 'PK' Levine and Loren K. Wiseman
5. GURPS Fantasy-Tech 1: The Edge of Reality by Matt Riggsby
Thursday, November 25, 2010
They're Always So Mean To Each Other
Day off. Watching a little football and decided to watch something else. I thought about watching Spartacus (btw it looks completely amazing on bluray) when Ivy says, "Don't watch that. They're always so mean to each other." You know, I had no argument. They are mean. lol Have a great Thanksgiving everyone.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
"I Got About 10 Points of I Wanna Beat You with a Stick Left"
Get a good laugh here...
Again I can't figure out how to add a video, but this one is funny as hell. Too bad his boots of his escaping didn't work better. Anyway, thought it would be a good laugh before the frantic cooking of Thanksgiving begins.
Again I can't figure out how to add a video, but this one is funny as hell. Too bad his boots of his escaping didn't work better. Anyway, thought it would be a good laugh before the frantic cooking of Thanksgiving begins.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Critical Hits and Fumbles for Spells

0-level - 8 D, 1st level - 10 DL, 2nd level - 11 DL, 3rd level - 12 DL,
4th level - 13 DL, 5th level - 14 DL, 6th level - 15 DL, 7th level - 16 DL, 8th level - 17 DL, 9th level - 18 DL
- For every level of the magic-user get +1 to the roll.
- Caster adds his intelligence bonus to the roll.
- Spell specialization bonus.
- The caster suffers -1 to the roll for every point of damage taken during the combat.
- The caster suffers -1 for every spell he is maintaining.

The other wrinkle I put in is that mage's need to hit with their spells. Not automatic hits with missile weapon or even a placement of a fireball. He must roll 'to hit'. So a mage may have critically succeeded in casting a magic missile, so its charged up to do max damage, it still needs to hit its target. When mage attacks with a spell he gains his level and intelligence bonus (like in the roll above) to hit. But it is possible to critically succeed on casting the fireball and maxing out the damage, but if the mage fail's to target it correctly it could explode at the party's feet. Magic is fickle what can I say. And as for any roll, the 'to hit' roll can have a critical hit or miss. A critical hit with a magic missile may cripple the limb it hits, knock a person prone if it hits the chest, or knock a person out if it hits the head.
Like I said, its a process and something I still need to playtest.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Monster Vault

The main reason why I bought it were the monster tokens. There are 10 sheets of excellent artwork on sturdy tokens. I gave my miniatures to Rob years ago because 1) I don't have the space to keep them 2) I don't have the room to store all the paints and dodads you need 3) I don't like painting miniatures. These tokens are a nice replacement not requiring much space and no painting. They suit my needs just fine. There is a wide variety and I like that the three different size tokens, plus they have a handful of 'rings' that makes smaller creatures larger.
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Also included in the box is the adventure, Cairn of the Winter King. A predictable, but not bad adventure for 4th level characters. It looks easy enough to convert to S&W or OSRIC. It's definitely an adventure by the numbers, but most of 4th edition modules I have or read are set up this way. There is a flip map to assist the adventure. It provides the location when the undead ship arrives and attacks the town and a portion of the dungeon on the other side. I wish the map was more generic or been large enough to include the entire dungeon doesn't make much sense to just have it include just a few of the rooms.
Lastly, the Monster Vault book itself. It has an owlbear as the featured monster on the cover. That's 4th edition tugging on my old school heart strings. It's a large digest size book fashioned in the same manner as the Rules Compendium. A thick and sturdy book with tons of monster stats I have absolutely no use for. But it has bits and pieces of descriptions of the critters and I always like the small twists of monster ecologys.
Everything in the Monster Vault, including the box (which I dropped and it still irks me) is top quality stuff. My main reason for getting this was for the tokens and I am not disappointed. The adventure is good and it will be easy for me to convert and the monster book has a lot of great artwork and I'm sure will be a good read. Getting this for only $12 was a good deal. The $30 price tag would have been too high since I don't play 4th edition, but if I did play 4th edition then I would have had no problem paying it for this product.
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