Zack over at his
RPG Blog II posted about getting new players, buying supplies for the game and dice. He likes the Game Science dice which I am now a proud owner of a set, but still need to ink them. Rob asked why didn't I get the pre inked ones? I thought it should be a custom to ink your first GS dice. I sorta kinda wish I got the pre inked ones now, but I digress.

Zack writes about getting some extra dice for new players which is cool. But what he said next baffles and disturbs me. He isn't bothered by someone else using his own dice??? WHAT??? I'm not even sure if that is legal. This is why you buy the bucket of dice from Chessex. You never ever let anyone touch your dice. While I have never threatened to break someone's fingers, I have threaten to tear off their arm and hit them with the bloody end. I believe it is a more game appropriate threat.
The whole thing just creeps me the hell out. *shivers* Just don't touch my dice and we'll get along fine.
Now I let people touch my dice all the time but I think that has to stop now, Ray leers and make funny noises when he fondles my dice.
ReplyDeleteLurker: Hahahaha. Ray. You guys.
ReplyDeleteIt’s true—I’ve never been a “don’t touch my dice” guy. The only ones I have an issue with are my pewter percentile Gamescience “tablewreckers”. I don’t even think they make them anymore. I use them for serious GMing rolls.
ReplyDeleteI have some dice that I don't care if other people use, and some dice that no one else is supposed to touch. The weird thing is that I leave them all jumbled up together in my dice box. No one else could tell the difference. But, they're the dice that have stories or characters associated with them.
ReplyDelete(Um, the captcha on this post is "asshats". Is this some sort of commentary on me, or on you?)
I used to be a "don't touch" kinda guy too. But now I introduce new players to gaming so often (and had to let them use my dice) that it really doesn't bother me anymore.
ReplyDeleteWhat does bother me is someone using my dice when they've got their own perfectly functional set right there in front of them.
Every gamer has their own quirky odea of dice ettiquette.
I'm with Dangerous Brian on this one. I used to be that way about my dice. The only dice I'm still that way about (just a bit) are the various "collector" die I have (like my Origins d6's, and my Yellow Sign d10). In general I don't even role those ones and that's why they're kept in a seperate smaller dice bag in my dice bag.
ReplyDeleteI am bothered by people that have their own dice (sitting in front of them) and grab my dice.
Use my dice?! Are you mad?! What, is some guy going to caress my woman next?
ReplyDeleteNay, he who forgets his dice can borrow from the trough of misfit polyhedra.
I don't mind other people using my dice, but I like to take them back immediately after the roll is made, and I count them out at the start of the session and count them back in again at the end.
ReplyDeleteI think there's something wrong with me.
Imagine someone who brings his own cards to a poker game and is all like "don't shuffle my cards!"
ReplyDeleteShows how trusting roleplayers are, I guess :)
I do have my favored dice, but I also have an extra set of pale pink Chthulu dice from Q workshop that has become the default set for one of our players (I host most of our game). I don't mind it because he really digs those dice. So in the middle of some other action or discussion he'll turn to somebody and say "Wow! Each one of these dice has a different pattern!" Or "The details on these are so cool!" Since he appreciates them so much I don't feel I have to be over-protective, I guess.
ReplyDeleteIt only ever bothered me if someone tried to touch my d20. Doesn't make much sense really -- use any of my dice you like, but not my d20. Not sure why.
ReplyDeleteI have a chest (and I mean like 1000+ dice) of loner dice that I have available for the gaming group for when people forget theirs (or are to lazy or cheap to buy them ... it happens .. sadly). But I've had some pretty big gaming groups with dozens of different people cycling through the group. Sometimes noobs, etc. I NEVER let people touch MY dice though which I keep in a nice bag inside my dice boot. Can't have them catching bad luck worms or anything!!
ReplyDeletePersonally, I'm extremely glad that two people let me borrow their dice last time I played. Especially the second person - the first had managed to end up with some kind of curse on the set I started out borrowing!