Once upon a time, there was an adventuring party who went down a hole and never came back....
So began our tale of the Monteport megadungeon crew, a cast of characters that has evolved over a year of exploring the endless expanse. Our combination of curiosity, glory seeking and greed have plunged us 28 miles below the surface of a world we no longer remember. We have become citizens of Monteport. Small pieces in a massive, living thing.
Twenty-eight miles below, we have living death. My weapon seeks to destroy these abominations that seem to saturate earth. But my arms grow tired. I've forgotten what it is to look upon a tree. I've forgotten what it is to feel a breeze. And I'm losing my ability to find purpose. My god's words once pounded in my ears like war drums, exciting and inciting. Boiling the blood.
Now, only whispers.
I wonder what another adventuring party would see when they looked upon us. Would they see monsters?
Adzeer Mattui, Hunter of the 3rd Circle
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Monday, December 29, 2014
Random Monday Map 2
Another offering to the Random Monday Maps. I drew this one for my Patreon, micro-adventures, but haven't got around to using it yet.
In my first offering I shared a region size map. This is the other size map I do, which I call an area map. These can include geographical locations like the confluence above, could be a homestead, section of a village or a chunk of a tiny dungeon. These are my most common size maps I draw. I don't use a grid of any sort usually on these. Not sure why. Unlike my area maps where the hexes are 12 miles, in the area maps they are as bi as I need them to be. With the map above it can be the merging of two large rivers flowing into one and the scale would be a a mile an inch. Or it could be a could of good size creek merging, and the scale drops to a 100' inch. Either way it could work.
Friday, December 26, 2014
The Manor Sale was a Big Fat Success
On December 9th I decided to do a $1 a Manor sale on RPGNow. I saw how many folks had them in their wishlists and shopping carts and thought I would give them a nudge. When I did the sale, in my mind, the number of 100 sales popped up. Okay, seems unlikely, but what the hell. In the 16 days The Manor PDFs were on sale, I sold 198 of them...
Thanks folks for the support. Issue #8 has got some fantastic pieces lined-up. Hope to see you there.
Thanks folks for the support. Issue #8 has got some fantastic pieces lined-up. Hope to see you there.
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Gifts at the Manor
I'm not sure if you know, but it's Christmas. I heard it on the news somewhere. I wanted to show you the very cool stuff the wife got me. Some of the gaming stuff I knew, because with gaming books, its sorta like her cooking stuff, its just better to let the person pick it out so you can get the right one. Speaking of which...
I got my DMG finally! I will spend some quality time with it during the weekend.
I got the final book of the Green Ronin's version of Thieves World. This is one I've been wanting to get for a long time. Recently found it on-line for a good price, snagged it, then thanked Ivy for her savvy shopping and getting me exactly what I wanted.
I got two sets of Micron pens, the different sized black and some colored ones. Many of the big map makers swear by them. Ivy remembered and here they are. Then she got me two other sets of pencils I'm very curious to use. Watercolor pencils?!? Apparently you can use them like normal pencils, but add a little water and I guess they become water color paint kinda sorta. The last batch are brush markers. They have very fine tips. I am super excited to try these on my maps. My artistic ability is very limited so I hope to have enough chops to use them for cool effect.
And lastly....
I got another BIG ASS PRINTER. Looks like a spaceship. This badass does edge-to-edge printing AND can print full spread, up to 13" x 19", which means I could do a full sized Manor. So far so good. We'll see how it performs when I give it a full workout.
Christmas at the Manor was a huge success. Ivy did incredible. I feel like a kid with all these new toys. We've been very frugal over the past 4 to 5 years, but this year we decided to just have fun with it and we did.
Here's my new printer next to my other printer. Both will be used, but my shredder is now homeless.
I got my DMG finally! I will spend some quality time with it during the weekend.
I got the final book of the Green Ronin's version of Thieves World. This is one I've been wanting to get for a long time. Recently found it on-line for a good price, snagged it, then thanked Ivy for her savvy shopping and getting me exactly what I wanted.
I got two sets of Micron pens, the different sized black and some colored ones. Many of the big map makers swear by them. Ivy remembered and here they are. Then she got me two other sets of pencils I'm very curious to use. Watercolor pencils?!? Apparently you can use them like normal pencils, but add a little water and I guess they become water color paint kinda sorta. The last batch are brush markers. They have very fine tips. I am super excited to try these on my maps. My artistic ability is very limited so I hope to have enough chops to use them for cool effect.
And lastly....
I got another BIG ASS PRINTER. Looks like a spaceship. This badass does edge-to-edge printing AND can print full spread, up to 13" x 19", which means I could do a full sized Manor. So far so good. We'll see how it performs when I give it a full workout.
Christmas at the Manor was a huge success. Ivy did incredible. I feel like a kid with all these new toys. We've been very frugal over the past 4 to 5 years, but this year we decided to just have fun with it and we did.
Here's my new printer next to my other printer. Both will be used, but my shredder is now homeless.
Thieves World
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Last Day Sale for The Manors!
Final night of the $1 Manor sale. Thanks to everyone who participated. The sale has been a big fat success. If you want to grab the Manors for cheap do it now. Everyone have a fantastic holiday.
Monday, December 22, 2014
Random Map Monday 1
I thought I would start participating in Random Map Mondays. I draw enough maps. When I watch Netflix or even while I am gaming, I'll draw an outline of a map or some idea of one. I'm one of those folks that likes sensory overload so I can focus. Yeah, I know, sounds like complete bullshit. Probably is.
Anyway, I usually do three different levels of maps. I don't tend to do world maps. My largest map type is above. A region map. I always draw those using a hex grid. I draw the maps on 3" x 5" index cards, scan them into the computer. Then, for the region maps, I open the map in Paint.net and add the hexes. Works fantastic, you can control the size of the hex and line thickness. What color and so on. Perfect for this kind of thing. They also have one to add square grids.
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Manor Sale Topped 100

I'm keeping the sale up through Christmas. If you want to grab a bunch of Manors for cheap you can still grab them for a $1 each.
Also, Starter Adventures has been doing very well. My expectation were fairly minimal for this product due to the fact it is a higher sticker item and the print version is only available at Lulu. I know when I shop at Lulu it's usually with a coupon. But despite that, I wanted to sell at least 20 copies before the weekend and I reached that this morning. I should be getting my comp copies from Lulu soon and I'll send those out to my helper dudes after Christmas.
I haven't done a sales report for the past couple months. Not sure why. Just forgot I guess. I'll do a catch-up post and reveal the numbers.
Again thanks for the support, have a great weekend and get those gifts now man. In fact, I gotta run.
Starter Adventures,
The Manor
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Starter Adventures for Sale
Yesterday I received my copy of Starter Adventures from Lulu. I was pleased with the way it turned out. This is my first experience dealing with POD. I tried RPGNow first, but found it difficult to navigate the print side of things. Lulu was more user friendly. Easier to get your book setup.
This project took a long time. Mainly due to me getting distracted by a different project or just plain laziness. +Jason Sholtis and +John Larrey did all the the artwork you'll find inside. They did an awesome job. This was actually the first project Jason and John helped me with and these guys really went to town. The cover was done by Jason. He sorta tossed it at me and asked if I could use it for anything. I looked at it and said, "That's my cover." I love the twilight lighting, the orcs searching and the PC hoping whatever is in the bottle is going to help.
I had another OSR all-star assist me with this project, +Rob Conley did the maps. I think I had him do six different types of trees for the one map. I think he was ready to hit me with one of those trees. His maps are always fantastic and pieces of art themselves.
Starter Adventures was thought up after a night of gaming with my wife. I wrote it so folks could use it to introduce someone into the RPG hobby. There are four adventures for each of the four main classes (cleric, fighter, magic-use and thief). I wrote Starter Adventures to teach a person what die to use, some of lingo, that combat is not the only option, using magic items and so on. Also inside is Red Bear Tavern. Every adventuring group needs a place to hang out. It's a pretty cool tavern if I do say so myself. And the final entry is a full-fledged adventure to put those newbs to the test.
If you have any question, feel free to ask in the comments or email me.
Lulu Print Link
Lulu PDF Link
Starter Adventures
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Review: Mischievous Monsters
With that statement I should add to the list of Simon's qualities, he's full of shit. I just finished reading Mischievous Monsters and this adventure is excellent. I've read Simon's other adventures and I enjoy the way he constructs the scenarios and the simple mechanics he applies to add to the experience of the adventure.
Let's get some of the regular stuff out of the way. It is a low-level adventure compatible with the Lamentations of the Flame Princess Weird Fantasy RPG. Which means, it adapts to any OSR system with a small bit of effort. I bought the print version, paperback, digest-size, 28-pages long, and a left and right justified single-column. Good sized font which makes for easy reading. The cover is a default from Lulu with an inset picture. There is no other art in the book.
Onward, to the adventure. A simple premise, the party stays at The Dancing Donkey Inn with some other folks. During the night, stuff gets stolen. The layout is very nice, a roster of who is staying at the inn is given in a simple table form so referencing is easy. Above, I mentioned simple mechanics that add to the experience of the adventure, here's what I am talking about. During the night when the thieves are thieving, Simon provides a simple table of what happens, what turn it happens and the chance of the party waking while it's happening. This simple mechanic at the beginning of the adventure can change the course of the adventure in many ways. I dig this kind of thing.
Everyone in the morning is boo hooing that they lost their stuff and ask the party to get it back. A great role-playing opportunity. There are rewards to be had, all simple, but useful. This is a trait I enjoy about Simon's adventures, his adventures are understated. Hyperbole is tossed in the bin.
Another simple mechanic Simon has employed is a simple timeline. Depending on how fast the adventurers react to the situation, things are moving in the background. There is a countdown, this adds tension to the situation. Because the players are unaware of these behind the scene activities, it will make certain 'happenings' unexplainable and mysterious.
The meat of the adventure is when the party attempts to retrieve the stolen goods. The things the party encounter and how the adventure unfolds are very cool. I won't go into too much detail because you just need to get a copy yourself. At the end, there is a great little magic item that has a history and makes sense. It's not just a randomly rolled item cookie-cuttered in.
In the back of the adventure are three new monsters you'll run in the adventure. Again, Simon makes this section very usable with a random table of treasure and items they might carry.
Lastly, the map. I got to know Simon by his maps. The map is fantastic! He's got an overall map with three connected cutaway maps included and in one glance you can reference all four maps. It works well with the adventure.
Overall, I think Mischievous Monsters is a great adventure and glad I added it to my collection. This is one I can see running.
The paperback version of Mischievous Monsters can be gotten at Lulu for $10.78. The PDF version is all yours for $2.36. I would tell you to buy the PDF, but put it towards the print version. It is a handy adventure to have in your arsenal when running a campaign or a one-shot for the evening.
Well done Simon.
Friday, December 12, 2014
Quick Thought on Adventure Description
I've been writing adventures for as long as I can remember. A good mix of fun ones and shitty ones. I can't remember who said it, but it went something like "You need to write through the crap to get to the good stuff". If you ask some of my long time friends (yes, I have a couple of those) and they can vouch for my compulsive adventure writing. I've got 100s of them. All in various states of finish. There is a lot of crap in there also, but a lot of it can be salvaged, but would need a huge rewrite.
One of the major considerations when writing an adventure is simply how much detail to include. An age old question. I tend to default to, when writing a room-to-room adventures, is to detail two things within the encounter area. Any more than two tends to clutter the page. If you have an orc standing sitting in the room and he's throwing a hand axe into a halfling corpse hung upside on the wall, you're probably good. First detail is the orc. The second is the corpse of the halfling. There might be more in the room, but the initial viewing and reaction is going to based off the orc and what it's doing. You could go into more detail, like some furniture or a chest, but I add those as a secondary description.
So the party comes in, nails the orc to the wall next the halfling, then the secondary description can come in. Describing furniture is always thrilling (NOT!). Give a few details. There's a bedroll, sack and dagger on the floor. Dagger is a dagger. Bedroll is infested with tiny critters. The sack has few silver pieces hidden under two dead rats. Very simple. And even that could be pared down to the sack.
If you keep your prose terse, GM can pick up the details quickly. And the OSR has a herd of folks that are outstanding GMs. Give them a small seed and they can grow a tree. With these quick details they can create a scene that is memorable and unique.
Some adventures I am good at following this rule and other times I blow it out of the water. I tend to write in a wide range from in-dept levels of description.
One of the major considerations when writing an adventure is simply how much detail to include. An age old question. I tend to default to, when writing a room-to-room adventures, is to detail two things within the encounter area. Any more than two tends to clutter the page. If you have an orc standing sitting in the room and he's throwing a hand axe into a halfling corpse hung upside on the wall, you're probably good. First detail is the orc. The second is the corpse of the halfling. There might be more in the room, but the initial viewing and reaction is going to based off the orc and what it's doing. You could go into more detail, like some furniture or a chest, but I add those as a secondary description.
So the party comes in, nails the orc to the wall next the halfling, then the secondary description can come in. Describing furniture is always thrilling (NOT!). Give a few details. There's a bedroll, sack and dagger on the floor. Dagger is a dagger. Bedroll is infested with tiny critters. The sack has few silver pieces hidden under two dead rats. Very simple. And even that could be pared down to the sack.
If you keep your prose terse, GM can pick up the details quickly. And the OSR has a herd of folks that are outstanding GMs. Give them a small seed and they can grow a tree. With these quick details they can create a scene that is memorable and unique.
Some adventures I am good at following this rule and other times I blow it out of the water. I tend to write in a wide range from in-dept levels of description.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
A Buck A Manor Sale
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Click to magically teleport to the sale. |
I'm running a $1 a Manor sale over at RPGNow. If you've been wanting a copy now's a great time to grab one or all seven issues.
Done and Not Done
With the final touches done on Stone Fields of Azoroth, I am in printing mode and trying to find a good box to ship them in.
In the meantime it looks like I have abandon the blog. My brain can only work so many hours in the day. It's pooped out right now.
Still, as I am printing the books, I'm thinking of other ideas and projects. Some projects that have stopped and started over the years. Time to start them again and get going on the next projects. In fact I am uploading files for one of them right now.
Just ordered a proof copy.
The waiting begins.
In the meantime it looks like I have abandon the blog. My brain can only work so many hours in the day. It's pooped out right now.
Still, as I am printing the books, I'm thinking of other ideas and projects. Some projects that have stopped and started over the years. Time to start them again and get going on the next projects. In fact I am uploading files for one of them right now.
Just ordered a proof copy.
The waiting begins.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Magic Items of Praxus
Putting the final touches on Stone Field of Azoroth. I thought I'd share a few of the magic items I created for it. I also created a new god, Praxus, God of Imprisonment, but that is for another time.
So far so good. Finished up this last part. Let it sit for a day. Do a read through and some edits. Start printing and mail them to Jarrod. I'm probably making him very nervous pushing this to the final days. Sorry Jarrod!
Hoping you guys who got in on the Mythoard box enjoy my contribution.
Imprisonment Stone
Imprisonment Stones are created by the priests of Praxus. The can come in various forms, but most are made from granite. It is imbued with every magical spell known that immobilizes a creature. It takes one month to complete one Imprisonment Stone. This will bind a single creature of 10HD or below for as long as the stone is intact. Great Imprisonment Stones take three months to construct and can bind a single 15HD creature or below. There is rumor of more powerful Imprisonment Stones, but they are made with rare materials and would be considered an artifact level.
If an Imprisonment Stone is broken, the magic contained within will explode the stone showering those within a 50’ radius with stone shards doing 6d6 damage. A Great Imprisonment Stone showers a 100’ radius, doing 12d6 damage. A successful save will halve the damage.
Swords of Praxus
The Swords of Praxus is a pair of short swords. They are imbued with +1 to hit and damage. One a successful hit, the target will need to make a save or be held. The victim is immobilized for 10 minutes. Each sword can ‘hold’ one target at a time. The wielder can chose to release someone who is held to target a new victim.
Requirements to wield the Swords of Praxus are a strength of 15 or better. These are heavy swords, weighing 35lbs a piece. To keep the swords powers active, the wielder will need to make a blood sacrifice (4hp of his own) once a week. Each time this is done, there is a 2% chance that Praxus will notice and send him on a quest (no save). The GM should think of something horrible the character will have to accomplish to complete the quest. At the end of the quest the character may receive a boon. This may include a bump of 1 to any attribute, bonus experience or money.
So far so good. Finished up this last part. Let it sit for a day. Do a read through and some edits. Start printing and mail them to Jarrod. I'm probably making him very nervous pushing this to the final days. Sorry Jarrod!
Hoping you guys who got in on the Mythoard box enjoy my contribution.
Friday, November 28, 2014
A Quick Glance at a Mythoard Exclusive
The Stone Fields of Azaroth is a mini-sandbox. It is centered around the small Village of Bad Water. I've detailed the entire village. Bad Water may seem like a quiet, out of the way village, but there is a dark history that saturates the soil. Along with Bad Water, there are three adventures that are waiting for the adventurers to discover. These adventures can be run independently or run as series that ends in a....heh, I'm not telling you shit.
I'm printing Stone Fields of Azaroth in zine format using cardstock for the covers and maps. The cover and maps will be in color. I'll only release this with mythoard. If you want to see this and all the other great stuff that's inside the box, head over to mythoard and grab one of the last boxes! Do it quick!
Okay, back to work. This isn't going to write and edit itself.
As of a 4:42pm Jarrod reports all 100 betas are ordered. But do not fear if you missed this one. You can cry, but don't fear. In December he'll take orders for the month of January.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Flash Review of Our Boss Battle
Last night our Monday Night group took on the boss fight in Phandelver. We were already whittled down from process of getting to them. It didn't help that we didn't have our only true fighter during that time, but he was back for this. So we started the session where we left off from last session, we were running away.
We fought characters with monikers such as Black Spider and Glass Staff. Our group has a dripping hatred for Glass Staff. Along with them were orcs, bandits and spiders. Oh yeah, and a doppelganger.
While we fled, a few of our party members got trapped. If not for some heroics by our torchbearer one of our members may have died. Sidwin, my rogue, had one little hit point the entire session. Our party fought back to free our other party members. Webs were flying. A small mistake by Rob who forgot Web was a concentration spell, but I thought it added more tension to the situation and no one else remembered the concentration thing until after the fight. We killed off the bandits. The spiders were more difficult. And we found the secret to our success with defeat two mages with Shield, surprise them.
With some bad tactics and a little luck we took down Black Spider. However, Glass Staff remains alive. We were too injured and depleted of resources to give chase. So we retreated out of the mines to take a short rest. To recharge enough to give Glass Staff his finally send off.
Again, 5E battles have taken us to the edge each and everytime. It seems that when a battle ends one of us says, "I can't believe we survived". It's very true.
We fought characters with monikers such as Black Spider and Glass Staff. Our group has a dripping hatred for Glass Staff. Along with them were orcs, bandits and spiders. Oh yeah, and a doppelganger.
While we fled, a few of our party members got trapped. If not for some heroics by our torchbearer one of our members may have died. Sidwin, my rogue, had one little hit point the entire session. Our party fought back to free our other party members. Webs were flying. A small mistake by Rob who forgot Web was a concentration spell, but I thought it added more tension to the situation and no one else remembered the concentration thing until after the fight. We killed off the bandits. The spiders were more difficult. And we found the secret to our success with defeat two mages with Shield, surprise them.
With some bad tactics and a little luck we took down Black Spider. However, Glass Staff remains alive. We were too injured and depleted of resources to give chase. So we retreated out of the mines to take a short rest. To recharge enough to give Glass Staff his finally send off.
Again, 5E battles have taken us to the edge each and everytime. It seems that when a battle ends one of us says, "I can't believe we survived". It's very true.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
It's the Cool Little Things
Yesterday +Thaumiel Nerub shared a cast of characters sheet he created based off my adventure, Where is Margesh Blackblood? It's cool little things like this that make gaming a blast. Especially with folks in the OSR. I printed a copy on card stock and I'll keep it around for the next time I run the adventure.
Here's a shot of the picture next to the printed source material.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
We Laughed Like Manly Men Who Wore Flannel
Last night the B-Team of +Douglas Cole, +Peter V. Dell'Orto, +Joe D and some crazy Australian named Reece who fit right in. Oh yeah, and +Erik Tenkar ran us through +Joseph Bloch's Castle of the Mad Archmage. I think we bullshitted more than played. Which was completely cool and much needed after a long week. I can't say enough how good it is to sit around slinging some virtual dice, being completely inappropriate and laughing a lot.
This time out the B-Team found the stairs to the 4th level. We quickly ran into a group of men training for the arena. At first we weren't sure what to make of it, but their half-orc boss came out and made fun of Peter's manhood and they agreed to spar to first death. Causing fighting to the second death gets confusing. I wasn't all the way dead. Just a little dead. Yes you were. No I wasn't.
After a surprisingly inept performance by Peter, he yielded to the half-orc and lost his silver dagger. We then got the scoop on the area. There were a bunch of color coded teams that fought in the arena. The half-orc said we could get on with the purple team because they sucked. Nice to know. So we went exploring and found the arena. You may ask why is there an arena in the 4th layer of a mega-dungeon with guys wearing color coded shirts, I say why not. As long as they can get the hot dogs and ketchup delivered to the concession stand, more power to them.
Along our travel we met many doors that refused to budge. We were profoundly lacking our ability to get doors open. It was bad enough that we cheered when we succeeded opening a door. A little sad. Not one of the most stellar moments in B-Team history.
Then we came to an interesting door. They pulled and nudged, picked and pocked at the door, but it would not yield. I always have a Knock spell at the ready. Like in the Elder Scroll games, nothing irritates me more than leaving an locked door or chest behind not knowing what was inside. I cast Knock the door swung open and Minister avoided a curse that would have surely killed him. It depended on the moral character of the party for the outcome, so with the B-Team's record I would have been dead in days.
We found the treasure room of the arena and decided it looked to cluttered and that they needed more space. So we helped the arena clean it up. It looks much cleaner now that it's empty.
We then staggered around some more. We nearly encountered stuff that would have killed us, but we avoided them and into some skeletons we ran. Hack. Hack. We redeaded them.
After that we returned to the surface to count our loot and get our experience points.
While not much happened in the adventure. We has a blast. Ivy said we were giggling like little girls. I told her we laughed like manly men who wore lots of flannel.
This time out the B-Team found the stairs to the 4th level. We quickly ran into a group of men training for the arena. At first we weren't sure what to make of it, but their half-orc boss came out and made fun of Peter's manhood and they agreed to spar to first death. Causing fighting to the second death gets confusing. I wasn't all the way dead. Just a little dead. Yes you were. No I wasn't.
After a surprisingly inept performance by Peter, he yielded to the half-orc and lost his silver dagger. We then got the scoop on the area. There were a bunch of color coded teams that fought in the arena. The half-orc said we could get on with the purple team because they sucked. Nice to know. So we went exploring and found the arena. You may ask why is there an arena in the 4th layer of a mega-dungeon with guys wearing color coded shirts, I say why not. As long as they can get the hot dogs and ketchup delivered to the concession stand, more power to them.
Along our travel we met many doors that refused to budge. We were profoundly lacking our ability to get doors open. It was bad enough that we cheered when we succeeded opening a door. A little sad. Not one of the most stellar moments in B-Team history.
Then we came to an interesting door. They pulled and nudged, picked and pocked at the door, but it would not yield. I always have a Knock spell at the ready. Like in the Elder Scroll games, nothing irritates me more than leaving an locked door or chest behind not knowing what was inside. I cast Knock the door swung open and Minister avoided a curse that would have surely killed him. It depended on the moral character of the party for the outcome, so with the B-Team's record I would have been dead in days.
We found the treasure room of the arena and decided it looked to cluttered and that they needed more space. So we helped the arena clean it up. It looks much cleaner now that it's empty.
We then staggered around some more. We nearly encountered stuff that would have killed us, but we avoided them and into some skeletons we ran. Hack. Hack. We redeaded them.
After that we returned to the surface to count our loot and get our experience points.
While not much happened in the adventure. We has a blast. Ivy said we were giggling like little girls. I told her we laughed like manly men who wore lots of flannel.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Pictures of What's on My Gaming Table and a Zen Moment
I was asked to give a picture or two so here it is. There is the 1st ed DMG. Heavily used and I put tape on the bottom of the pages I used the most to keep them from tearing. The random table which I will show you more in a second. The Treasure Hoard Generator on the screen. I highly recommencement it. I've been using it for years. And lastly some dice. Real dice.
Here's my amazing random table. Amazing is it not? Surprisingly it helps me out a ton. I roll a d12 and let the adventure muse guide me. Then I roll a d4 to determine how many items/things are in the room.
Empty doesn't mean empty unless it's empty.
Zen baby! Bring on the Zen Girls!
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This has nothing to do with zen, but who fucking cares. |
Stuff on My Gaming Table
For the last couple of days I've been working on thing for +Mythoard. I was checking out the materials on my desk. I would have taken a picture, but I forgot and now I'm at work. The first thing I wanted to use was the 1st edition DMG. To me, it is the mother of all gaming books. If I need a random bit of information or spark of inspiration I know I can find it within those pages. So the DMG is first and foremost.
The second most prominent thing on my desk is a small random table I made for adventure development. It provides a very simple spark to get my creative juices going. I'm not a huge fan of a third of the room will be empty. While it may not have a creature running around inside you can have some details. Even if its just a small detail that advances the story/theme of the dungeon.
On my computer on my right hand screen I have Chaotic Shiny's Treasure Horde Generator. It provides a lot of details that I pick and chose from. I love it. It helps provide interesting properties to an item beyond the +1 this or that.
Lastly, my dice. I don't roll no stink'n electronic, computerize bulllllshit dice. I roll the real plastic man. I have d10, percentage dice, d12 and a d4. They each have a specific purpose. It's strange to how these things can create pretty much anything.
The second most prominent thing on my desk is a small random table I made for adventure development. It provides a very simple spark to get my creative juices going. I'm not a huge fan of a third of the room will be empty. While it may not have a creature running around inside you can have some details. Even if its just a small detail that advances the story/theme of the dungeon.
On my computer on my right hand screen I have Chaotic Shiny's Treasure Horde Generator. It provides a lot of details that I pick and chose from. I love it. It helps provide interesting properties to an item beyond the +1 this or that.
Lastly, my dice. I don't roll no stink'n electronic, computerize bulllllshit dice. I roll the real plastic man. I have d10, percentage dice, d12 and a d4. They each have a specific purpose. It's strange to how these things can create pretty much anything.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Exclusive Product for Mythoard
I'm not sure what the timeline was, but I believe it must have been two months ago when +Jarrod Shaw approached me about getting involved with a project. At the time it didn't have a name. Later it became known as Mythoard. I've always loved the idea of Loot Crate, but never subscribed to it because I've got limited space and what little space I do have is reserved for gaming stuff. And I don't need Mutant Ninja Turtle sunglasses. Jarrod purposed a subscription based service where you get a box of random gaming stuff. Hell yeah.
It took me .043 seconds to agree to participate.
Jarrod asked for copies of The Manor. I agreed. Later (which means last night), I thought about it and figured a good chunk of folks that are going to participate probably have a copy of some of my Manors. While +Boric Glanduum can never have enough copies I didn't really want to have people opening the box and see something they already had, so I told Jarrod I wanted to do something new for Mythoard. An exclusive.
I'm working on an exclusive product that will only be available through Mythoard. I'm not sure what the name will be yet. I'm re-purposing some maps I used in my campaign world and rewriting much of the material. Only the Monday night group has played in it. I touched up the village map of Bad Water. You can see the before and after pictures below.
This new style of detailing my map came from a discussion with +Rob Conley, +Joshua Macy and +Chris C. when I asked them to critique another map of mine. I enhanced the lettering and numbering with a white background beneath them to make it easier to read...I hope.
Village of Bad Water will be fully detailed. But that's all I'm going to tell you about it. You'll have to get a subscription to Mythoard to know about the rest. This is the first box and it is limited to 100 subscribers so get in on this on quick because they are going quickly. Jarrod is doing a limited release within the USA to get the logistics tweaked. I can't imagine all the juggling he would need to do for this.
I'm excited to be a part of the first box. If you haven't, check out the Mythoard site, it's only $20 for the box and who knows what the heck you'll find inside. I really have no idea myself. And that's what makes it fun.
It took me .043 seconds to agree to participate.
Jarrod asked for copies of The Manor. I agreed. Later (which means last night), I thought about it and figured a good chunk of folks that are going to participate probably have a copy of some of my Manors. While +Boric Glanduum can never have enough copies I didn't really want to have people opening the box and see something they already had, so I told Jarrod I wanted to do something new for Mythoard. An exclusive.
I'm working on an exclusive product that will only be available through Mythoard. I'm not sure what the name will be yet. I'm re-purposing some maps I used in my campaign world and rewriting much of the material. Only the Monday night group has played in it. I touched up the village map of Bad Water. You can see the before and after pictures below.
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Original map of Bad Water. |
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New version. |
Village of Bad Water will be fully detailed. But that's all I'm going to tell you about it. You'll have to get a subscription to Mythoard to know about the rest. This is the first box and it is limited to 100 subscribers so get in on this on quick because they are going quickly. Jarrod is doing a limited release within the USA to get the logistics tweaked. I can't imagine all the juggling he would need to do for this.
I'm excited to be a part of the first box. If you haven't, check out the Mythoard site, it's only $20 for the box and who knows what the heck you'll find inside. I really have no idea myself. And that's what makes it fun.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Editing Micro-Adventures
I just released my 15th micro-adventure, Chambers Island over on my Patreon page. A little while back I asked my patrons if there was a particular theme they wanted to see. One said a swamp adventure with Cthulhu influences. Love that idea. I originally mapped out an entire swamp area. It was too big for a micro-adventure, but thought I would do a second micro-sandbox, but it became too long. I got jammed up. Had too many ideas I was trying to fit in.
So I drew the swamp island above. I had this visual of the players seeing the island from the distance. A crumbling tower with out buildings in various states of collapsing. Channeling a little Apocalypse Now with corpses and body parts hanging from the trees. But as I started writing, it was obvious it wasn't going to fit. Grrr.
Some projects just beg for a larger canvas. This one did. I'm not sure if I did the adventure a disservice by forcing into my micro-adventure space. I plan on returning to it again and flesh it out into a full-fledge swamp hex crawl. Even as big and bad a Cthulhu is, he cannot survive the power of the edit.
Instead what I tried to develop was a mix of subtle and in your face references of The One Who Shall Not Be Named. Like with most micro-adventures I hope to have a few ideas planted within that the GM can run with.
There is a lot of give and take. While I have to sacrifice some of my ideas, I hope the brevity of the adventures makes it easier for a GM to pickup and play. And that is after all the reason I started these. I wanted to make the adventure accessible with minimal clutter. Ideas are good, but they take space to explain. I try to stick with one idea and give hints of things beyond not said.
Anyway, Chambers Island is free for anyone to download. Just hit the link above. You'll get the PDF of the adventure, a detailed GM map and a blank players map.
So I drew the swamp island above. I had this visual of the players seeing the island from the distance. A crumbling tower with out buildings in various states of collapsing. Channeling a little Apocalypse Now with corpses and body parts hanging from the trees. But as I started writing, it was obvious it wasn't going to fit. Grrr.
Some projects just beg for a larger canvas. This one did. I'm not sure if I did the adventure a disservice by forcing into my micro-adventure space. I plan on returning to it again and flesh it out into a full-fledge swamp hex crawl. Even as big and bad a Cthulhu is, he cannot survive the power of the edit.
Instead what I tried to develop was a mix of subtle and in your face references of The One Who Shall Not Be Named. Like with most micro-adventures I hope to have a few ideas planted within that the GM can run with.
There is a lot of give and take. While I have to sacrifice some of my ideas, I hope the brevity of the adventures makes it easier for a GM to pickup and play. And that is after all the reason I started these. I wanted to make the adventure accessible with minimal clutter. Ideas are good, but they take space to explain. I try to stick with one idea and give hints of things beyond not said.
Anyway, Chambers Island is free for anyone to download. Just hit the link above. You'll get the PDF of the adventure, a detailed GM map and a blank players map.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Mythoard is Alive
Mythoard is the brain child of +Jarrod Shaw. For those who don't know what Mythoard is, it is a box of random gaming stuff that will be shipped to you. Jarrod has focused on independent/small press publishers for the contents. Jarrod announced that mythoard is open for business. It's $20 for this box. I don't know what's inside it, but you'll get gaming related products inside.
From modules, minis and maps to rulesI think it's a great play on the Loot Crate where you get random items of geekery in a box. Jarrod has taken it to focus on the RPG world.
supplements, accessories and dice, you'll be sure to have great RPG
treasure in every single box!
The beta release is open now, but there are a limited number of subscriptions available. Jarrod wants to see how the logistics will work before unleashing it fully. Smart man.
I already got my subscription locked in. It sounds like fun getting a box of random gaming stuff in the mail. How could you not like it?
Head on over to mythoard, poke around the site and then hit that big fat subscribe button and get in on the beginning of something very cool.
Monday, November 10, 2014
Review of Manors 4 thru 7
Fellow Tim, +Timothy Brannan did a review of issues 4 thru 7 of The Manor. Thanks Tim for taking the time to do the review. And if anyone is one the fence about grabbing an issue head on over and get a very good glimpse of what you'll find.
Graveyard Exploration: Part 1
One of the field trips Ivy and I like to go on is to visit cemeteries. Where some visit the dead and get depressed or as the boys from Spinal Tap said...
Nigel Tufnel: It really puts perspective on things, though, doesn't it?I find a lot of inspiration in the stone gardens. The architecture of the mausoleums, the details on the gravestones, the statues, the features around the cemetery, the names and sometimes the trees. This cemetery we found in Titusville, PA. Unless you are from this area most don't know this, but Titusville is the Birthplace to the Oil Industry. Why do I mention that? Well, that means there is a good mix of extravagant grave sites mixed with what you would typically find.
David St. Hubbins: Too much, there's too much fucking perspective now.
One of the coolest features in the cemetery was this bronze statue created by Evelyn Beatrice Longman. The first women to be elected a full member of the National Academy of Design. She was one of the sculptures who designed the Lincoln Memorial. Above the statue reads:
It is approximately 7' in height and 9' length. The details are wonderful. From the rose she cradles in her hand, to the texture of her hair, down to her bare foot slipping out from beneath her gown.
I've seen pictures of Evelyn Beatrice Longman and I'm guessing she used herself as the subject for this statue.
What do you think? She looks a lot like the statue.
As you approached it, this is what it looked like. The crude, but artistic construction fascinated me. Even the small set of three stairs leading to ledger stone.
Here were some of the inscriptions. And I absolutely love that his middle name was Octavius.
Here's what the ledger stone looked like up close. The simplicity of the features and the wall really enhance the creepy feel. I'm glad I didn't capture any spirit orbs in the pictures. I don't need a ghost ass kicking.
I was able to get a good shot of the entire thing from the nearby hillside. Tell me that doesn't scream, explore me, I have secrets and something horrible will happen if you do. A perfect recipe for an adventure.
Then there was this monster of a mausoleum in the middle of the graveyard. I took a longer shot to show you how big it was. Hard to get a good perspective, but I would guess it was nearly 20' high.
This building has a lot of great details. I couldn't get a picture of it, but you can kind of see it on top, but it looks like a window to allow light inside. Curious.
I really like the details of the doors and the reliefs around the arch.
This is the detail over the door. I need to figure out what it means.
That's it for now.
Friday, November 7, 2014
Review: D&D Next Monster Manual: Finally Got Mine
Normally I get the Monster Manual or any version of a monster book without too much thought. A book of monsters, I'm in. I took my time getting the 5E version. Probably because I've been attempting to clean out some of my gaming stuff, but seem to be collecting more. Armed with a coupon at B&N last night I decided to grab a copy. It's nice to see my local B&N looks to be getting more gaming books.
One of the first things I do when I get a monster manual is I flip through it to see how it's laid out. I think the 5E MM has done a great job. Although I am puzzled why they would dedicate an entire page to a picture of myconids. There are much cooler critters I would rather see featured with full-page art.
It is nearly 50 pages longer than its 4E step-brother version. The 4E version boasts having nearly 500 monsters in between its covers. Because of this, the stat blocks dominated the page and the art was crammed into the corners where they could find space. The 5E MM does fewer monsters, more space and a better product. While the art in both are great, I get to see it and enjoy it more in the 5E version. The stat blocks for each creature is easy to find and read, they don't take up the majority of the space, allowing for more details. I like that.
The other habit I have when getting a new critter book is to look for the critters I use a lot. I use a lot of the trope monsters such as goblins, bugbears, orcs and pretty much all the undead. I check my standard monsters to see if there is anything new, any change that might spark my interest. I like to see what someone else may have come up with to add to a certain creature's legacy.
The first example is the goblin. With their stealth ability, which increases their chance of surprise make them no joke. In my experience with 5E so far, surprise has become a huge factor on how a battle may go. A handful of goblins armed with bows and surprise can whittle a party down quickly.
Second example, fricking zombies and their undead fortitude. A DM with hot dice can make a small group of zombies nasty. Again, I've already had experience with this. This is another example of how taking a normally innocuous encounter and with a simple tweak, these creature needs to be handled with care (and lots of fire!). And they give a stat block for a beholder zombie. How can you not like that?
A big thumbs up here at the Manor for the latest iteration of the Monster Manual. I'm looking forward to building some adventures with the 5E system. While the stat blocks are not conducive to my micro adventures I might try to slip one.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Hideout of the Long Dead Mardrid
Micro-adventure #14 is live at my Patreon page, Hideout of the Long Dead Mardrid. I seem to like long titles for my short adventures. Maybe they are compensating for something. Like always, the adventure is open to anyone to download. You don't have to a patron to download any of my micro-adventures.
I've included a GM's map.
And a blank player's map. I always like having a blank map included for on-line play or just to create my own adventure. This way you can reveal the map without revealing room numbers or five degree slopes. A little inside joke there, *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*.
This adventure can simply be a smash and run or it can become the first adventure in a quest for revenge. I've tweaked Mardrid's level draining ability. While he can take it, he can also give it back. He uses it as a bargaining chip to help extract his revenge. If the players double-cross him then that can become another danger lurking for them in dark. You know your players are going to make worse.
I've included a GM's map.
And a blank player's map. I always like having a blank map included for on-line play or just to create my own adventure. This way you can reveal the map without revealing room numbers or five degree slopes. A little inside joke there, *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*.
This adventure can simply be a smash and run or it can become the first adventure in a quest for revenge. I've tweaked Mardrid's level draining ability. While he can take it, he can also give it back. He uses it as a bargaining chip to help extract his revenge. If the players double-cross him then that can become another danger lurking for them in dark. You know your players are going to make worse.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Monday, November 3, 2014
The Lost Monster Manual

Why am I telling you all this? Jim has a Patreon page, where he draws The Lost Monster Manuel pages. These are postcard size pictures of creatures whose lore was lost in the fog of history. Each picture has striking detail, each is bordered with a stylized frame and best of all, worked into the border is random table that is specifically made for the creature. Last night I printed out the three he has available on 4" x 6" note cards and then I laminated the cards. They look fantastic.
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I printed, then laminated the cards. |
If you are into monsters, or cards or art, Jim encompasses all of these with The Lost Monster Manual pages. Please check out his Patreon page and join if you enjoy those kind of things. It is well worth it. I worked in his Braindead Dwarf in a micro-adventure I'm working on.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Cleaning Out the Gaming Library
I've decided it is time to thin out the gaming library. While I do enjoy collecting games, I also want to be able to find what I'm looking for. It's gotten a bit cluttered. I intend to give some the stuff away and sell some of the other stuff.
While some of the things I'll be getting rid of is very cool, I've decided it's something I probably won't use or I have duplicates.
Anyway, I'll probably make announcements what I'm selling on Google+, in the Goblin Emporium community and in my circles. And others will go directly to eBay.
If you have any questions please ask away.
While some of the things I'll be getting rid of is very cool, I've decided it's something I probably won't use or I have duplicates.
Anyway, I'll probably make announcements what I'm selling on Google+, in the Goblin Emporium community and in my circles. And others will go directly to eBay.
If you have any questions please ask away.
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Ramblings at the Book Store and an NPC for Esoterrorists
Saturday night at the bookstore. I know, the excitement and rowdiness cannot be contained between the bargain bookshelves. Ivy and I are sitting at the cafe sipping on the latest holiday drinks. She's already talking about decorating for Christmas. She asked if it was cool and I told her to have a blast. Call me when you can't reach something. Which is often.
Progress has been made with some of the gaming list of things to do. While the cold is still content with sitting in my face I've been able to get a Patreon done (Possum Stop from last post) and something we've dubber Secret Gaming Project #78. It's a little different from Plan 9 from Outer Space. The previous 77 secret gaming projects did not fail...well, not that they told me.
Either way progress is finally being made. I cracked open my Manor 8 file last night and start poking around and getting excited about the next issue.
For listening to my random babbling of a Saturday night I offer you the Arthur Blambaust, someone you might find in one of my Esoterrorist games.
Arthur Blambaust was born and educated in Meadville, Pennsylvania. He lived on the side of one of the two mountains. The locals called it Pig Hill, a jumble of low income houses built on the sheer mountain side. He grew up worrying about the 'pig people' that were rumored to live on the hill would kidnap him while he slept and boil him in a cauldron until his flesh slid from his bones.
He graduated near the top of his class in '87 and went to Edinboro University and doubled majored in psychology and photography. He took a year off in '90 after having a nervous breakdown, his girlfriend left him and a month later his father committed suicide, hung himself in the garage.
After he graduated he moved back home and had a series of minimum wage jobs at grocery stores and fast food places. Nearly two years after graduating he began working with the county. The stress from investigating child abuse cases caused his first disassociation episode. It was during this episode that he saw his first terror. Terrors are what Arthur calls them. Visages of demonic possession within people. He sees the demons entwined with their victims. Some are so infested with demonic entities that it causes Arthur to get sick to his stomach.
Arthur has been identified as a person of interest by AEGIS. His ability would benefit the monitoring of demons. However, his metal state is in question. He is on medication for depression and anxiety. While the medications would not be a problem, of the intensity of the assigned cases could cause him to slip into a catatonic state. Arthur does not adapt to change well.
Suggestion: Have an agent monitor Arthur. He may be able to help us indirectly. With the new information of a breach in the Membrane he may prove to be the best bloodhound we have. We can use the system in place to manipulate where Arthur is sent and to give him added protection when needed.
Progress has been made with some of the gaming list of things to do. While the cold is still content with sitting in my face I've been able to get a Patreon done (Possum Stop from last post) and something we've dubber Secret Gaming Project #78. It's a little different from Plan 9 from Outer Space. The previous 77 secret gaming projects did not fail...well, not that they told me.
Either way progress is finally being made. I cracked open my Manor 8 file last night and start poking around and getting excited about the next issue.
For listening to my random babbling of a Saturday night I offer you the Arthur Blambaust, someone you might find in one of my Esoterrorist games.
Arthur Blambaust was born and educated in Meadville, Pennsylvania. He lived on the side of one of the two mountains. The locals called it Pig Hill, a jumble of low income houses built on the sheer mountain side. He grew up worrying about the 'pig people' that were rumored to live on the hill would kidnap him while he slept and boil him in a cauldron until his flesh slid from his bones.
He graduated near the top of his class in '87 and went to Edinboro University and doubled majored in psychology and photography. He took a year off in '90 after having a nervous breakdown, his girlfriend left him and a month later his father committed suicide, hung himself in the garage.
After he graduated he moved back home and had a series of minimum wage jobs at grocery stores and fast food places. Nearly two years after graduating he began working with the county. The stress from investigating child abuse cases caused his first disassociation episode. It was during this episode that he saw his first terror. Terrors are what Arthur calls them. Visages of demonic possession within people. He sees the demons entwined with their victims. Some are so infested with demonic entities that it causes Arthur to get sick to his stomach.
Arthur has been identified as a person of interest by AEGIS. His ability would benefit the monitoring of demons. However, his metal state is in question. He is on medication for depression and anxiety. While the medications would not be a problem, of the intensity of the assigned cases could cause him to slip into a catatonic state. Arthur does not adapt to change well.
Suggestion: Have an agent monitor Arthur. He may be able to help us indirectly. With the new information of a breach in the Membrane he may prove to be the best bloodhound we have. We can use the system in place to manipulate where Arthur is sent and to give him added protection when needed.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Possum Stop
Tonight I released my latest Patreon project, called Possum Stop. You can download it at my Patreaon page, it's free for anyone to download. And as always, if you feel like backing my efforts it would be much appreciated.
A while back a released Execution Corner. A micro-site for players to happen upon, or GMs to throw into their game as players are traveling, to give the landscape a little pop of detail and an interesting location. Possum Stop is built around that same philosophy. A location small enough to drop into a campaign and not disrupt the surrounding area. I also plug in some interesting ideas (I hope) to flavor the landscape.
Possum Stop gets its name from the shrine dedicated the the possum god, Possimium. I really dig the idea of a possum god. The Petty Gods projects really cracked open a lot of ideas in my head of what and why a god is a god.
And lastly, thanks to all my backers over at Patreon. Their support is fantastic and inspiring. I really do enjoy creating these small projects.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Top 3 Campaigns I Have Played In
Over at 5 Stone Games the post today was, What are the Three Best Campaigns You've Played In? I thought it was a great question and I loved his answers. Here are my top three.
3. Arthurian Mixed with the Crusades
This is a campaign I ran. It lasted for three years. We took a couple of break here and there, but it was a steady group. This campaign did have an end game. This was a heroic campaign with no mages. There was magic, lots of it, but it was possessed by creatures or things. No one was shooting fireballs out of their ass and lightning bolts from their nipples. None of that. No clerics wiping the asses of bleeding adventurers. This was hardcore, metal on metal. Bash the son of bitch in front of you until he stops moving. There was a lot of political maneuvering, ancient evils (none of them had tentacles), ambitious creatures of power with armies and a small boy who was hung for trying to steal a saint's finger bone to take home to his sick mother. And in the end, that boy, a boy who was killed two sessions into a 3-year campaign became the most important event.
2. Torrin the Red Hand/Slice Handler
I'm cheating, so what? I'm putting these together because my good friend Dwayne, ran both of these.
Slice Handler was a product of Unearth Arcana when it was first released. He murderized people with his daggers. He was the first and only character where I rolled an 18/00 strength. Then he had a 17 dexterity. We were using the 4d6 roll so having a bunch of high stats was easy. While Slice was a machine gun Dwayne got his jollies by teasing Slice with bird women, those damn saving throws I could never make and having Slice go on a quest to put together a sword with 12 shards that took a long time only to have Orcus show up, take it from me and just for the shits and giggles, leave behind a bunch a undead to eat my head. It took me months to search and combine the sword to only have it for 2.341 seconds. Bastard. But it was a TON of a fun. It was probably one of the more comical campaigns I'd played in.
In contrast Torrin the Red Hand was a GURPS character that played in Dwayne's strange and wonderful world made up with demons and armies of undead. Torrin was in the last stronghold to the goddess Mitria. It was transported to this land and along the way we ( +Rob Conley played a priest of Mitria). We not only had to battle to survive, but learn the dynamics of the world. There were many incorrect assumptions made based on tropes of the game that was a blast to explore and a fantastic way to keep experienced gamers on their toes.
3. The Dragon Rises
Ah, my favorite campaign where I played a mercenary captain called Draco-Lindus. His name was created way before it became significant. This campaign played over years. This is my benchmark of an epic campaign. It had three stages of development. The final stage was forging a realm among others realms. And then the hard part. Ruling. Rob Conley GMed this one like a fricking master. He demonstrated that being a very powerful person could just as easily be handicapped by their power as well as dominating others. Accompanied by Dwanye's William Endril, we changed the landscape of his campaign world that still effects anyone who adventures in his Majestic Wilderlands.
3. Arthurian Mixed with the Crusades

2. Torrin the Red Hand/Slice Handler

Slice Handler was a product of Unearth Arcana when it was first released. He murderized people with his daggers. He was the first and only character where I rolled an 18/00 strength. Then he had a 17 dexterity. We were using the 4d6 roll so having a bunch of high stats was easy. While Slice was a machine gun Dwayne got his jollies by teasing Slice with bird women, those damn saving throws I could never make and having Slice go on a quest to put together a sword with 12 shards that took a long time only to have Orcus show up, take it from me and just for the shits and giggles, leave behind a bunch a undead to eat my head. It took me months to search and combine the sword to only have it for 2.341 seconds. Bastard. But it was a TON of a fun. It was probably one of the more comical campaigns I'd played in.
In contrast Torrin the Red Hand was a GURPS character that played in Dwayne's strange and wonderful world made up with demons and armies of undead. Torrin was in the last stronghold to the goddess Mitria. It was transported to this land and along the way we ( +Rob Conley played a priest of Mitria). We not only had to battle to survive, but learn the dynamics of the world. There were many incorrect assumptions made based on tropes of the game that was a blast to explore and a fantastic way to keep experienced gamers on their toes.
3. The Dragon Rises
Ah, my favorite campaign where I played a mercenary captain called Draco-Lindus. His name was created way before it became significant. This campaign played over years. This is my benchmark of an epic campaign. It had three stages of development. The final stage was forging a realm among others realms. And then the hard part. Ruling. Rob Conley GMed this one like a fricking master. He demonstrated that being a very powerful person could just as easily be handicapped by their power as well as dominating others. Accompanied by Dwanye's William Endril, we changed the landscape of his campaign world that still effects anyone who adventures in his Majestic Wilderlands.
Our Campaigns,
Random Ramblings
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Short Bitch & Moan Post
While this post is whiny it is also short.
Unlike last year, when I got sick during the con, I decided to wait until right after the con to get sick this year. With the con and being sick these past couple of weeks has really set me behind on all the cool things people have sent me and projects I'm working on.
I haven't completed a single Patreon micro-adventure.
I haven't done a review in a while. I've received so many cool things I want to share.
The 8th issue of The Manor, while started, is getting dusty.
I'm participating in Tenkar's Landing, a group project. I grabbed hex 19.11 and finally got around to sketch a rough idea of the map, but have done little else.
I am taking part in something unofficially called #project78. It's a secret. So I'll hush now. But I need to finish what I am doing with it.
I'm trying to develop a webpage for GM Games, something more serviceable as a store, information, update place, but zero progress has been completed.
And I contact Jason to do a few pieces for OSR Today. Guess how many I have done?
Looking forward to knocking a few of these items off my list this week.
PS If you consider that I power gamed through the latest Borderlands game and completed as productive then I'll take that.
Unlike last year, when I got sick during the con, I decided to wait until right after the con to get sick this year. With the con and being sick these past couple of weeks has really set me behind on all the cool things people have sent me and projects I'm working on.
I haven't completed a single Patreon micro-adventure.
I haven't done a review in a while. I've received so many cool things I want to share.
The 8th issue of The Manor, while started, is getting dusty.
I'm participating in Tenkar's Landing, a group project. I grabbed hex 19.11 and finally got around to sketch a rough idea of the map, but have done little else.
I am taking part in something unofficially called #project78. It's a secret. So I'll hush now. But I need to finish what I am doing with it.
I'm trying to develop a webpage for GM Games, something more serviceable as a store, information, update place, but zero progress has been completed.
And I contact Jason to do a few pieces for OSR Today. Guess how many I have done?
Looking forward to knocking a few of these items off my list this week.
PS If you consider that I power gamed through the latest Borderlands game and completed as productive then I'll take that.
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